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Simon Vincenzi


Simon Vincenzi è regista teatrale, coreografo e designer basato Londra. Le sue produzioni interdisciplinari si sviluppano preferibilmente attraverso lunghi processi articolati in performance, installazioni, video e pagine web, interconnessi tra loro. Il suo lavoro indaga diversi paesaggi tra rappresentazione e assenza, attraverso l'esplorazione di memoria e oblio, coscienza e dissociazione del sé. Tramite queste manifestazioni, che spesso agiscono nell'inconscio, Vincenzi accompagna lo spettatore in un paesaggio incerto e sconosciuto. Con la compagnia Bock & Vincenzi ha presentato invisible dances… from afar: A show that will never be shown (2003), opera realizzata per essere fruita unicamente al telefono, e The Invisible Dances (2004-2006), opera teatrale in tre atti presentata per tre anni consecutivi al Royal Opera House Clore Theatre, alla Biennale di Venezia, al Nott Dance International Festival, al Kunstenfestivaldesarts e al Laban Theatre di Londra. In seguito ha dato vita al progetto pluriennale Operation Infinity, coinvolgendo la compagnia teatrale Troupe Mabuse. Questo complesso lavoro interdisciplinare costituito da performance, installazioni e video include The Infinite Pleasures of The Great Unknown; Club Extinction; Luxuriant: In The Reign Of Anticipation e King Real Against The Guidelines. La documentazione dal vivo di questo progetto è tuttora in vita sotto il nome di A Fugue State of Theatre Hosted On The Internet on-line su www.operationinfinity.org. Nel 2019 ha dato l'avvio al progetto di live broadcast FROM THE DEAD AIR ORGY (prima serie: The Song of Silenus a Live Arts Week a Bologna; seconda serie: On The Nature of Things a BAD HOUSE Festival a Helsinki). Attualmente lavora al progetto The Exquisite Corpse (2020-22).


Simon Vincenzi is a London based theatre director, choreographer and designer. His interdisciplinary work is often developed through long processes made up of interrelated performances, installations, videos and web pages. His work investigates different landscapes of representation and absence. Vincenzi investigates the interface of theatre, movement and visual languages often pushing the boundaries of expectation. Through an exploration of memory and oblivion, consciousness and the dissociation of the self, these different manifestations frequently tap into the unconscious, taking the audience/spectator into an uncertain and unknown landscape. With Bock & Vincenzi he presented invisible dances… from afar: A show that will never be shown (2003), a work made only to be experienced on the telephone, and The Invisible Dances (2004-2006), a theatre work in three acts presented over three years at The Royal Opera House Clore Theatre, The Venice Biennale, Nott Dance International Festival, Kunstenfestivaldesarts and the Laban Theatre, London. He continued with the five-year project Operation Infinity, working with the fictional theatre company Troupe Mabuse. This interdisciplinary work was made up of different but related performances, installations and videos that included: The Infinite Pleasures of The Great Unknown; Club Extinction; Luxuriant: In The Reign Of Anticipation and King Real Against The Guidelines. The ‘live’ documentation of this project can continued to be seen in the on-line work www.operationinfinity.org A Fugue State of Theatre Hosted On The Internet. In 2019 he started the live broadcast project FROM THE DEAD AIR ORGY (first editionThe Song of Silenus at Live Arts Week in Bologna, Italy; second edition: On The Nature of Things at BAD HOUSE Festival in Helsinki, Finland ). He’s currently developing The Exquisite Corpse project (2020-22).