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FROM THE DEAD AIR ORGY: On The Nature of Things

 Simon Vincenzi


FROM THE DEAD AIR ORGY: On The Nature of Things si richiama esplicitamente a De rerum natura di Lucrezio (99 aC - 55 aC), poema in chiave epica basato sulla lettura scientifica del mondo attraverso la fisica e l’antica teoria degli atomi: tutto ciò che esiste è costituito da materia e spazio vuoto, e gli atomi sono gli elementi costitutivi di ciò che percepiamo come realtà. FROM THE DEAD AIR ORGY riorganizza il poema di Lucrezio come perimetro per porre una serie di domande sul futuro dell'universo, coinvolgendo una Intelligenza Artificiale che, interrogata, genera parole profetiche sul proprio futuro, facendo da sfondo a ciò che accade nel luogo nascosto. Le emissioni dispiegano progressivamente una narrazione che parte da un posto in cui si non può più entrare. Nel corso delle cinque trasmissioni si moltiplica una trama profetica e cosmologica, tra uffici di export avvolti nel mistero, grotte inaccessibili, training di sopravvivenza ed esercizi di pole dance.

DEAD AIR è il termine tecnico con cui viene definita una pausa in attesa che venga ripristinato un segnale radiofonico o televisivo momentaneamente interrotti., FROM THE DEAD AIR ORGY è un progetto di Simon Vincenzi che coinvolge organicamente il sound artist Will Saunders e la performer Kath Duggan.

Ogni capitolo di On The Nature of Things ha una durata di circa 20 minuti. Si consiglia l'ascolto in cuffia o a volume alto. Il sito web deadair.online contiene materiali sul progetto in diverse pagine. Le trascrizioni del testo AI profetizzato in ogni trasmissione sono disponibili on line.


FROM THE DEAD AIR ORGY: On The Nature of Things by Simon Vincenzi is a series of five broadcast chapters being transmitted live from a hidden location somewhere on the outskirts of Helsinki. It revolves around the poem On The Nature of Things by the Roman poet Lucretius (c.99BC - c.55BC). His epic work explores a scientific reading of the world through physics and atomic theory: that everything that exists is made up of matter and empty space and that atoms are the building blocks of what we perceive as reality. FROM THE DEAD AIR ORGY gathers Lucretius’s poem and uses it as the perimeter to ask a series of questions about the future of the universe. Using an Artificial Intelligence text generator it gathers from the internet, in response to Lucretius’s ancient work, a generated text that prophesies its own future. This wild, impenetrable and unpredictable text is then transmitted through each of the five broadcasts and becomes a backdrop to what is taking place in this hidden location. Each broadcast unlocking different narrative possibilities from a location an audience can now no longer enter. Over the five nights a network evolves of prophecies, cosmology, covert shipping exports, hidden caves, survivalist prepping and pole dancing.

The title of the series refers to the term 'dead air' - while waiting for a radio or television signal to be restored. FROM THE DEAD AIR ORGY: On The Nature of Things is a project by the British director Simon Vincenzi developed with sound artist Will Saunders and performer Kath Duggan. 

On the Nature of Things has been live-streamed from Helsinki and echoed in Bologna within the former headquarters of its first edition each evening. Each chapter is  approximately 20 minutes.. Wear headphones or play at volume: The website deadair.online contains information and materials in its different pages and transcriptions of the AI text delivered in each broadcast is available at the website.

This is the second edition of an ongoing series of live broadcasts inspired by and developed from hidden places and their excavated realities. The event is the continuation of the first series THE DEAD AIR ORGY: The Song of Silenus. This occasion has become hole # 1 and inaugurated the first season of holes created by Xing as a temporary redefinition of a public space.