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That Was Now

Re-design in the multitask era

20/10/2012 - 20/10/2012
Borusan Music and Art House Istanbul

That Was Now è una giornata di residenza museale che si terrà il 20 ottobre 2012 al Borusan Music and Art House di Istanbul, in occasione della prima edizione della Istanbul Design Biennale.

Il programma prevede installazioni, performance e live audio-visuali distribuiti tra i diversi piani del museo, con: Silvia Costa, Orthographe, Richard Sides, OLYVETTY, Riccardo Benassi, Superstudio, Pluto Dreams, Lorenzo Senni, ELG, Dracula Lewis e Laura Brothers.
L'evento rappresenta la quarta edizione di ap(art)man, ed è curato da Xing in collaborazione con Zero Istanbul che presenterà per l'occasione la guida Zero Istanbul Design Guide, dedicata ai 50 luoghi che hanno cambiato il volto della capitale turca dagli anni '80 ad oggi.

Re-design in the multitask era. Nell'era del multitask risulta difficile rinchiudere gli artisti all’interno di steccati disciplinari e campi specialistici di intervento. Musica, design, arti visive sono, nell'insieme, strumenti operativi utili a fondere immaginari e a ridare forma a repertori sedimentati per creare 'nuovi paesaggi'.
L'opportunità che offre That Was Now è proprio quella di gettare uno sguardo in questo scenario mutogeno, che ci coinvolge tutti. Oggetti strani, approcci imprevedibili, corpi agitati: sono tributi a tecnologie e modi di produzione di una società industriale sprofondata nel sottosuolo. E’ la proliferazione dei segni indentitari - geografici e generazionali - coerente alla hauntology che attraversa il pianeta, da Los Angeles a Tokyo.
That Was Now è la celebrazione del performer e i suoi contemporanei: un tentativo di certificare la presenza, 'here and now'. Questi segnali manifestano un desiderio fondamentale di espressione coscienza del vigore produttivo del pianeta.


That Was Now is a museum residence day held on the 20th of october at the Borusan Music and Art House in Istanbul, to mark the first edition of the Istanbul Design Biennial.  The event represents the fourth edition of ap(art)man, and is curated by Xing in collaboration with Zero Istanbul. For the occasion, Zero Istanbul will present the Zero Istanbul Design Guide, dedicated to 50 places that have changed the face of the turkish capital from the 1980s to today.

The programme includes installations, performances and live audio-visual works distributed over the various floors of the museum, with: Silvia Costa, OrthographeRichard SidesOLYVETTYRiccardo BenassiSuperstudioPluto DreamsLorenzo SenniELGDracula Lewis e Laura Brothers.

Re-design in the multitask era. In this era of multitask attitudes it is difficult to include artists in traditional disciplines and fields of intervention. Music, design, visual and performing arts are, all together, operating languages used to blend imaginaries and to reshape repertories to create  "new scenarios". It is a morphing landscape, in which we are all involved, as artists and as visitors (and also as world citizens). The opportunity, with That Was Now, is to take a look at a collection of different landscapes -light and sound- created by a generation which is using both operative opportunity offered by new technologies and the historical layers that still work on our memory.

Strange objects, unpredictable attitudes, restless moving bodies: they are the artists' tributes to the production modes and technologies of an industrial society that has sunk into the ground. It is the proliferation, finally, of the identifying-geographical and generational signs consistent with the hauntology that is sweeping the planet, from Los Angeles to Tokyo.  Nine works by different signatures in a generation of young artists, based in different European cities in the Mediterranean (Milan, Ravenna) and Central Europe (Berlin, Brussels) are bringing to the public of the Turkish capital, the experience of a new aesthetic based on a blend of expressive forms (visual arts, sound, performance) and cultural multi-stratification.

This exhibition/event project takes place over the course of an evening using the six floors of the Borusan Art Center in Istanbul, like a course of progressive happenings, verticalized without a hierarchy, from the ground floor to the roof of the building. The event for the Borusan Art Center is a celebration of the performer and his contemporaries, like an attempt at the certification of presence, 'here and now'.

These signals manifest a fundamental desire for expression and awareness of the planet-wide productive vigour.