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ELG live



Èlg è il progetto di Lauren Gerard, un viaggio cosmico tra music concrète e surrealismo vocaleÈlg si distingue per un personalissimo approccio alla materia sonica, muovendosi tra ritmi di memoria EBM, sound poetry e canzone trasognante, con un indbubbia maestria nella composizione. Il suo live al planetario sarà inoltre la presentazione dell'LP Mil Pluton, prodotto da Hundebiss Records e Alter (UK). Benvenuti in una galassia dove Plutone è riverberato all'infinito, come in un gioco di specchi tra piogge di comete e nebulose ipnotiche.

Èlg is Laurent Gérard. Since 2004 has made a name for himself in the experimental underground performing solo in venues across Europe and the USA and also in the trio Reines D’Angleterre with Ghédalia Tazartès and Jo. Over the years he has built a complex body of work which has been spread amongst reputable labels such as Kraak, SS, Lal Lal Lal, Taped Sounds and Nashazphone. Now, four years since his debut Tout Ploie, Alter and Hundebiss present Mil Pluton, the second Èlg album on vinyl. In that time Gérard has knuckled down with a bunch of new gear and built a fresh sound which is difficult to categorize but still carries many of the characteristics of his previous work. One can hear EBM-esque rhythms, Musique Concrète style editing, dense layers of swampy electronics and a unique knack for songwriting and composition, creating the same hypnotic spirals the Èlg of old did. Vocally, Èlg has evolved beyond conventional language and now works with an Esperanto-like form of alien linguistics to front the sonic mass. If your musical interests sit within the realm of outer limits electronics and have been drawn towards the work of Bernard Szajner, Coil , Tazartès and Robert Ashley then look no further. Mil Pluton also features musical contributions from Jo, Jean-Philippe Gross, Bill Kouligas (PAN), TG Gondard and Jan Anderzen (Tomutonttu / Kemialliset Ystavat). 
