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Mark Vernon


Mark Vernon è un artista di Glasgow che attraverso le sue opere sonore esplora i concetti di archeologia acustica, memoria magnetica e nostalgia. Al centro della sua pratica musicale c’è il fascino per l’intimità della voce radiofonica, del suono ambientale, dei media obsoleti e della riappropriazione di reperti sonori trovati in giro. Una ricca collezione di registrazioni domestiche su nastro, audio-lettere, note dettate al magnetofono, messaggi di segreterie telefoniche e altre voci perdute, occupano spesso i suoi mondi sonori. Elementi che vengono poi distillati in composizioni radiofoniche per trasmissioni, diffusioni multicanale, installazioni e performance dal vivo. Appassionato sostenitore della radio come forma d'arte, co-gestisce e cura a Glasgow la art radio Radiophrenia. Produttore radiofonico pluripremiato, Vernon ha creato programmi per radio internazionali tra cui Resonance FM, VPRO, Sound Art Radio, Radio Revolten, Deutschland Radio Kultur, Radio Cona Kunstradio, Wavefarm, Radio Art Zone, RADIA e BBC. I progetti musicali da solista sono stati pubblicati da etichette quali Kye, Glistening Examples, Canti Magnetici, Flaming Pines, Misanthropic Agenda, Entr’acte, Gagarin, Calling Cards Publishing, Psyché Tropes, Granny, Persistence of Sound, Sonor. Il suo lavoro è stato presentato dal vivo in spazi, gallerie e festival internazionali tra cui Hideous Porta, Apologies in Advance, Tectonics, Counterflows, Full of Noises, Supernormal (UK), Radio Revolten (Germania), Wien Modern/Untape Me (Austria) Sonikas (Spagna), LUFF, SONOHR (Svizzera), Oscillation (Belgio), Longueur d’ondes (Francia), Soundtiago (Cile), Xing/Art City Bologna.



Mark Vernon is a Glasgow based artist who explores concepts of audio archaeology, magnetic memory and nostalgia through his sound works. At the core of his practice lies a fascination with the intimacy of the radio voice, environmental sound, obsolete media and the re-appropriation of found sounds. A rich collection of domestic tape recordings; audio letters, dictated notes, answer-phone messages and other lost voices often find their way into his unorthodox soundworlds. These diverse elements are distilled into radiophonic compositions for broadcast, fixed media, installations and live performances. A keen advocate of radio as an art form, he co-runs and curates Glasgow’s art radio station, Radiophrenia. He is an award winning radio producer who has produced programmes internationally for stations including Resonance FM, VPRO, Sound Art Radio, Radio Revolten, Deutschland Radio Kultur, Radio Cona, Kunstradio, Wavefarm, Radio Art Zone, RADIA and the BBC. His solo music projects have been published through labels including Kye, Glistening Examples, Canti Magnetici, Flaming Pines, Misanthropic Agenda, Entr’acte, Gagarin, Calling Cards Publishing, Psyché Tropes, Granny, Persistence of Sound, Sonoris, Discrepant, 3Leaves and his own meagre resource imprint. He performs regularly at venues and galleries in the UK, Europe and beyond including festival appearances at Hideous Porta, Apologies in Advance, Tectonics, Counterflows, Full of Noises, Supernormal (UK), Radio Revolten (Germany), Wien Modern / Untape Me (Austria) Sonikas (Spain), LUFF, SONOHR (Switzerland), Oscillation (Belgium), Longueur d’ondes (France), Soundtiago (Chile), Xing/Art City Bologna (Italy).