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An Breugelmans


An Breugelmans è costume designer dal 2000, e vive a Bruxelles. Ha studiato moda alla Royal Academy of Fine Arts di Gent. Realizza costumi in dialogo con lo spazio e in conversazione con le persone presenti, cercando l'equilibrio e l'attrito tra quante più estetiche possibili. I suoi costumi possono diventare oggetti, mostrare o nascondere i corpi danzanti, e quando nessun corpo è presente diventano vivaci sculture statiche. Tra le sue collaborazioni: Alix Eynaudi, Kris Verdonck/A Two Dogs company, Thomas Bellinck.

An Breugelmans is a costume designer since 2000, based in Brussels. She studied fashion at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Gent. She makes costumes in dialogue with the space and in conversation with the people being present, looking for balance and friction in between as many esthetics possible. Her costumes can become objects, can show or hide the dancing body; if no body is present they become lively static sculptures. Among her collaborations: Alix Eynaudi, Kris Verdonck/A Two Dogs company, Thomas Bellinck.