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Mark Lorimer


Mark Lorimer, nato in Inghilterra, si è formato alla London Contemporary Dance School e da allora ha lavorato come danzatore, coreografo, insegnante, ricercatore, consulente pedagogico in vari contesti. Dal 1994 le sue principali collaborazioni a lungo termine come danzatore sono state con Rosas/Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, ZOO/Thomas Hauert e Alix Eynaudi. Parallelamente ha lavorato a molti progetti con -tra gli altri- Deborah Hay, UPSBD/Saldana e Drillet, Alain Buffard, Marten Spangberg, Kris Verdonck, Jonathan Burrows, Boris Charmatz. Come coreografo ha recentemente creato Canon and on and on… (2021), una commissione dell'ADC e il festival La Bâtie di Ginevra. Anche l’insegnamento ha un un ampio spettro: dalla composizione in relazione a partiture musicali a La Manufacture di Losanna, alla direzione collettiva di DanceWeb/Impulstanz a Vienna, alla consulenza pedagogica al Cndc di Angers, nonché l’insegnamento occasionale presso PARTS Bruxelles, PNSD Cannes, DNSPA Copenaghen e CNDC Toulouse.

Mark Lorimer, born in England, since graduating from The Place/London Contemporary Dance School in 1991, has worked as a dancer, choreographer, teacher, researcher, pedagogical advisor in many different contexts. Since 1994 his main collaborations as a dancer have been with Rosas/Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, ZOO/Thomas Hauert and Alix Eynaudi. Alongside he has worked on many projects with Deborah Hay, UPSBD/Saldana and Drillet, Alain Buffard, Marten Spangberg, Kris Verdonck, Jonathan Burrows, Boris Charmatz (among others). As a choreographer he recently made Canon and on and on… (2021), a commission for the ADC and the festival La Bâtie in Geneve. Interest and invitations to teach dance are also a broad spectrum - composition in response to a musical score at La Manufacture, Lausanne, member of the collective DanceWeb leadership at Impulstanz in Vienna, and current pedagogical advisor at the Cndc, Angers as well as occasional teaching at PARTS, Brussels, PNSD, Cannes, DNSPA, Copenhagen and CNDC, Toulouse.