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Geumhyung Jeong


Geumhyung Jeong, nata in Corea del Sud, è coreografa, artista visiva e performer. Ha studiato recitazione alla Hoseo University di Asan, danza e performance alla Korean National University of Arts di Seoul e cinema di animazione alla Korean Academy of Film Arts di Seoul. Il suo lavoro esplora il potenziale del corpo, la sua sensualità e il potere di modificare l'ambiente circostante, combinando linguaggi e tecniche derivati dalla danza, il teatro di figura e le arti visive. Tra le sue performance: Oil Pressure Vibrator, 7 ways, Fitness Guide, CPR Practice, Rehab Training, Homemade RC Toy, e tra le mostre/installazioni: Private Collection: Unperformed Objects, Spa & Beauty. Ha esposto in istituzioni internazionali di arte contemporanea e partecipato a festival di live arts tra cui Tate Modern (Londra), Kunsthalle Basel, Liveworks Festival (Sidney), PuSh Festival (Vancouver), Atelier Hermes (Seul), New Museum Triennial (New York), Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Zurigo), Delfina Foundation (Londra), SPIELART Festival (Monaco), ImpulsTanz Festival (Vienna), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Bruxelles), Time-Based Art Festival (Portland), Kyoto Experiment, Taipei Arts Festival. Ha ricevuto il premio Missulsang Foundation Hermès e il premio Excellence for Alternative Vision al Seoul New Media Art Festival.


Geumhyung Jeong is a South Korea-based choreographer, visual and performance artist. She studied Acting at Hoseo University in Asan, Dance and Performance at the Korean National University of Arts in Seoul and Animation Film at the Korean Academy of Film Arts in Seoul. Jeong’s work explores the potential of the body, its sensuality and its power to change its surroundings, combining languages and techniques from the fields of contemporary dance, performance, puppet theatre and the visual arts. Performances: Oil Pressure Vibrator, 7 ways, Fitness Guide, CPR Practice, Rehab Training, Homemade RC Toy. Exhibitions and installations: Private Collection: Unperformed Objects, Spa & Beauty. She has exhibited works and performed internationally at Tate Modern (London), Kunsthalle Basel, Liveworks Festival (Sidney), PuSh Festival (Vancouver), Atelier Hermes (Seoul), New Museum Triennial (New York), Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Zurich), Delfina Foundation (London), SPIELART Festival (Munich), ImpulsTanz Festival (Wien), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Time-Based Art Festival (Portland), Kyoto Experiment, Taipei Arts Festival and many others. In 2016 was the winner of the Hermès Foundation Missulsang award, and in 2009 of the Excellence Award for Alternative Vision at the Seoul New Media Art Festival.