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Will Saunders


Will Saunders è compositore e sound designer inglese. Ha studiato Sonic Arts alla Middlesex University di Londra completando il dottorato alla Westminster University. Il suo lavoro è contraddistinto da un approccio collaborativo che lo ha portato a sviluppare progetti con molte personalità della ricerca contemporanea tra cui Simon Vincenzi, Lea Anderson, Steve Blake, Dickie Beau, Hans Diernberger, Anna Homler, Lucia King, LampingHuppSaunders e Sarah Kenchington. I suoi lavori sono stati presentati al Southbank Centre, Londra, Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, Fuhrwerkswaage Kunstraum, Colonia, Centro em Movimento, Lisbona, Barbican Centre, Londra, Alter Feuerwache, Colonia, Sadler's Wells Theatre, Londra, IBT International Festival, Bristol, Festival of Women, Lubiana, Slovenia. L'installazione LANYC di Hans Diernberger e Saunders è stata selezionata per il Marl International Media Art Awards del 2016. Con Diernberger, Will Saunders ha partecipato a diverse residenze tra cui Villa Aurora, Los Angeles e Goethe Institut, Salvador, Brasile.


Will Saunders is a british composer and sound designer who works in collaborative contexts. A queer, self-taught musician, he studied Sonic Arts at Middlesex University, London, and completed his PhD at Westminster University. Key collaborators include Simon Vincenzi, Lea Anderson, Steve Blake, Dickie Beau, Hans Diernberger, Anna Homler, Lucia King, LampingHuppSaunders, and Sarah Kenchington. His work has been shown widely, including at The Southbank Centre, London; Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow; Fuhrwerkswaage Kunstraum, Cologne; Centro em Movimento, Lisbon; The Barbican Centre, London; Alter Feuerwache, Cologne; Sadler’s Wells Theatre, London; IBT International Festival, Bristol; Festival of Women, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The video/sound installation LANYC from Hans Diernberger and Saunders was selected for the Marl International Media Art Awards, 2016. With Diernberger, Will Saunders has participated in various international residencies including Villa Aurora in Los Angeles, and the Goethe Institut in Salvador, Brazil.