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Stine Janvin Motland


Stine Janvin Motland, cantante, performer e sound artist norvegese, si occupa di tecniche vocali estese, esplorando e spingendo le frontiere dell'acustica naturale della voce. Compone utilizzando assemblaggi sonori di diversi generi, lingue e tradizioni. Accanto al suo lavoro solista (progetti di musica sperimentale, installazioni, e l' esplorazione a lungo termine sulla Fake Synthetic Music, concetto di sua invenzione che si è anche concretizzato in un doppio LP uscito per la PAN Records), collabora e si esibisce con compositori e musicisti contraddistinti dal gusto per il rischio e l’improvvisazione. Janvin si è esibita anche con il duo Native Instrument (Shelter Press, Entr'acte) e con il proprio alter ego ST/NE (Laura Lies In). Come interprete fa parte del Holly Herndon Ensemble, ed esegue musica contemporanea come soprano nell'ensemble vocale Song Circus e per i compositori Catherine Lamb, Maja S.K Ratkje e Øyvind Mælan. Ha partecipato a progetti di area visiva, danza e teatro, collaborando con artisti e coreografi come Ula Sickle e Adam Linder. Tra i riconoscimenti: Honorary Mention of the Prix Ars Electronica 2019. Janvin è stata fellow artist al Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD nel 2020.


Stine Janvin Motland is a vocalist, performer and sound artist from Stavanger, Norway. Working with extended vocal techniques, she explores and pushes the frontiers of the natural acoustics of the voice. She composes using sound collages from different genres, languages and traditions. In addition to her own solo work (experimental music projects, installations, and an ongoing exploration of her Fake Synthetic Music concept, also materialised as a double LP on PAN records), she also collaborates and performs with a number of adventurous composers and improvising musicians, as well as taking part in art, dance and theatre projects around the world with artists such as Ula Sickle and Adam Linder. Janvin is also performing with duo project Native Instrument (Shelter Press, Entr’acte) and her alter ego ST/NE (Laura Lies In). As an interpreter, she is a member of the Holly Herndon Ensemble, and performs contemporary music as a soprano with vocal ensemble Song Circus and in collaboration with composers such as Catherine Lamb, Maja S.K Ratkje and Øyvind Mælan. She earned an Honorary Mention of the Prix Ars Electronica 2019 and was a fellow at Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD in 2020.