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Mark Fell


Mark Fell, artista multidisciplinare basato a Sheffield, studia cinema sperimentale e video arte, occupandosi parallelamente di tecnologia computazionale, musica e suono sintetico. Nel 1998 inizia la carriera musicale pubblicando una serie di dischi che escono per Mille Plateaux, Line, Editions Mego e Raster Noton. E' attualmente considerato uno tra i protagonisti più importanti nel vasto territorio della musica basata su algoritmi. Lavora in solo -col suo nome o come Sensate Focus- e con il duo SND. Fell è impegnato in una ricerca critica e teorica che interroga l’impiego della tecnologia in relazione alle sue implicazioni sociali e culturali. Mark Fell è un connettore di paradigmi culturali: ha realizzato, oltre a registrazioni e concerti, opere orchestrali, installazioni, performance transdisciplinari, testi critici e progetti curatoriali. Ha collaborato con numerosi artisti tra cui Yasunao Tone, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Okkyung Lee, Luke Fowler, Peter Gidal, John Chowning, Ernest Edmonds, Peter Rehberg, Oren Ambarchi e Carl Michael Von Hausswolff. L'ampio spettro d'azione di Fell si riflette nella varietà delle istituzioni che lo hanno invitato, dai club come il Berghain a Berlino all'Hong Kong National Film Archive, a musei e gallerie come MACBA (Londra), The Royal Festival Hall (Londra), The Serpentine (London), Whitechapel (Londra), Artists Space (New York), EMPAC (Troy, New York), Issue Project Room (New York), Lampo/Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts (Chicago), Haus der Kultur der Welt (Berlino), CCA (Glasgow).


Mark Fell is a multidisciplinary artist based in Sheffield. After studying experimental film and video art he reverted to earlier interests in computational technology, music and synthetic sound. In 1998 he began a series of critically acclaimed record releases on labels including Mille Plateaux, Line, Editions Mego and Raster Noton. Today he is one of the most outstanding protagonists within the wide territory of algorithmic based music, both solo -in his own name or as Sensate Focus- and with the legendary SND and many other collaborators. His conceptual and critical approach to the technological nature of his practice and its cultural and social implications have led to an expansion of the musical and disciplinary reaches of his work which, in addition to records and concerts, has also taken the form of orchestral works, installations, transdisciplinary performances, critical texts and curatorial projects. He has worked with a number of artists including Yasunao Tone, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Okkyung Lee, Luke Fowler, Peter Gidal, John Chowning, Ernest Edmonds, Peter Rehberg, Oren Ambarchi and Carl Michael Von Hausswolff. The growing diversity of Fell's practice is reflected in the broad spectrum of institutions that have invited him to present his work, from clubs such as Berghain in Berlin to the Hong Kong National Film Archive, to performances and exhibitions at institutions such as MACBA (London), The Royal Festival Hall (London), The Serpentine (London), Whitechapel (London), Artists Space (New York), EMPAC (Troy, New York), Issue Project Room (New York), Lampo/Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts (Chicago), Haus der Kultur der Welt (Berlin), CCA (Glasgow).