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Justin F. Kennedy


Justin F. Kennedy è un danzatore originario di St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, basato a Berlino. Nel 2006 si è laureato in Danza e Stufi Etnici presso la Wesleyan University, e nel 2013 ha conseguito un master in Coreografia presso la HZT di Berlino. Ha lavorato con Ligia Lewis, Isabel Lewis, Tino Sehgal, Adam Linder, Liz Kinoshita, Jeremy Wade, Peaches, Faustin Linyekula, Mark Fell. Tra i suoi progetti recenti: Forgotten Friends: a grey, or maybe purple Safari, la band BOYZ in the WOODS e il solo Toon Up the Middleground che ha debuttato a Bruxelles a Villa Empain nel 2017.

Justin F. Kennedy is a Berlin-based dance artist/teacher originally from St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. In 2006, he earned a BA in Dance and Ethnic Studies from Wesleyan University and in 2013, an MA in Choreography from HZT Berlin. He has performed with and for Ligia Lewis, Isabel Lewis, Tino Sehgal, Adam Linder, Liz Kinoshita, Jeremy Wade, Peaches, Faustin Linyekula, Mark Fell, amongst others. His current projects include Forgotten Friends: a grey, or maybe purple Safari (2017), work with his art boyband: BOYZ in the WOODS, and a new solo: Toon Up the Middleground (2017) premiered at Villa Empain in Brussels.