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Quim Pujol Guerrero


Quim Pujol Guerrero, nato nel 1978 in Spagna, è performer, curatore, scrittore e critico di performing arts basato a Barcellona. Come performance artist il suo lavoro più conosciuto è Tiburón tigre (Tiger Shark, 2010). Come performer la collaborazione più significativa è quella con la coreografa DD Dorvillier in CPAU. Get Ready!. Dal 2011 è co-curatore della Secció Irregular, la programmazione dedicata al contemporaneo del Mercat de les Flors a Barcelona, ed è membro della Asociación Paralela de Creadores Independientes, la prima associazione sulle  Contemporary Performing Arts in Spagna, integrata nel Ministero delle Arti spagnolo.Come ricercatore ha partecipato a diversi progetti di ricerca tra cui Objectes d’estudi alla Fundació Tàpies sul rapporto tra museo e performance art, Autonomía y complejidad sulla relazione tra danza e storia. Insegna inoltre nel Programa d’Estudis Independents al MACBA Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Barcellona e al A*Desk Independent Institute for Critique and Contemporary Art. Come critico ha scritto per Tea-tron, per il festival In-presentable di Madrid, LP festival di Barcellona, Time Out Magazine a Barcellona, ed è stato caporedattore e coordinatore per Artributos, Contemporary Performing Arts magazine. Attualmente cura con Ixiar Rozas il nuovo volume di Cuerpo de Letra Collection sulla relazione tra Arte e Affettività

Quim Pujol Guerrero (born in 1978) is a performance artist, writer and critique of contemporary performing arts based in Barcelona. As a performance artist his most well known performance is Tiburón tigre (Tiger Shark, 2010). As a performer his most important collaboration has been with choreographer DD Dorvillier in CPAU. Get Ready!. Since 2011 he is the co-curator of Secció Irregular, the contemporary program of Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona and he is a member of the Asociación Paralela de Creadores Independientes, the first Association of Contemporary Performing Arts in Spain, integrated in the Spanish Arts Council.As researcher he took part in different research project: Objectes d’estudi at Fundació Tàpies on the relationship between the museum and performance art, Autonomía y complejidad on the relationship between dance and history. He also teaches at the Programa d’Estudis Independents at Barcelona Musem of Contemporary Art (MACBA) and A*Desk Independent Institute for Critique and Contemporary Art. He taught as well in collaboration with Marc Vives at the Centre Cívic Can Felipa, Barcelona.As critique he wrote for Tea-tron, the In-presentable Festival of Madrid, LP Festival in Barcelona, Time Out Magazine Barcelona and he was writer-in-chief and coordinator of Artributos, Contemporary Performing Arts magazine. He is currently editing with Ixiar Rozas the new volume of theCuerpo de Letra Collection on the relationship between Art and Affect.