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Lise Lendais


Lise Lendais, nata in Francia nel 1983, pur non essendo molto interessata ai titoli, ha studiato set design all'ENSATT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre) e moda alla scuola di arti applicate di Parigi ENSAD. Ha sviluppato un proprio lavoro performativo in Belgio. Dal 2010, vive e lavora a Vienna. Ha collaborato con drammaturghi, performer, coreografi come Anna Feldbein (A), Mary Kate Connolly (UK), Talin Büyükkürkciyan Demirci (T), Laia Fabre (E/A), Alix Eynaudi (F/A), Ella&Pitr (F), Nicolas Simeha (UK/F)... e ha lavorato come set e costume designer con Anne Juren (Tableaux Vivant, Lost and Found, Happy End), Jan Machacek (Normarena), Notfoundyet (F*** dance), Needcompany (Porcelain Project, The deer house, Sad face / Happy face).


Lise Lendais, born in France in 1983, was trained in set design in l'ENSATT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre) and in fashion at the applied art school Arts décoratifs de Paris ENSAD, but lay no claim to any title. She developed her own stage work in Belgium. Since 2010, she lives and works in Vienna (Austria). For her performing art's projects, she collaborated with dramaturges, performers, choreographers like Anna Feldbein (A), Mary Kate Connolly (UK), Talin Büyükkürkciyan Demirci (T), Laia Fabre (E/A), Alix Eynaudi (F/A), Ella&Pitr (F), Nicolas Simeha (UK/F)... and she worked as a set and/or costume designer with Anne Juren (Tableaux Vivant, Lost and Found, Happy End), Jan Machacek (Normarena), Notfoundyet (F*** dance), Needcompany (Porcelain Project, The deer house, Sad face / Happy face).