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Doreen Kutzke


Doreen Kutzke è attrice, performer, compositrice, cantante, insegnante specializzata nell'arte dello yodel. Cresciuta in Germania nella regione delle Harz-Mountain, ha iniziato a cantare all'età di sei anni. Fra le sue molteplici attività, concerti e performance, collabora con The Österreicher (band specializzata in Swing e Country), con PARABELLES, assieme alla cantante Ute Waldhausen, come Kutzkelina & Raionbashi assieme al performer Daniel Löwenbrück, con la compositrice Myriam van Imschoot, e si esibisce in solo con lo pseudonimo di Kutzkelina. Ha fondato la Jodelschule Kreuzberg a Berlino e trasmette questa singolare tradizione sonora in tutto il mondo.


Doreen Kutzke is a german actress, performance artist, composer, singer, and vocal-teacher specialised in the art of yodeling. She grew up in the Harz-Mountain region and started yodelling & singing at the age of 6. Her activities include musical performances and concerts with numerous projects playing Country and Swing with The Österreicher, with singer and performance artist Ute Waldhausen as PARABELLES, with performance artist Daniel Löwenbrück as Kutzkelina and Raionbashi, composer Myriam van Imschoot and solo as Kutzkelina, including performances and festival appearances in New York, Bordeaux, Paris, Brussels, Oslo, Stockholm, Warsaw, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Los Angeles etc. She founded the Jodelschule Kreuzberg in Berlin and is teaching yodeling all over the world.