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Ben Vida


Ben Vida è un artista e compositore di Brooklyn. Per un ventennio è stato membro attivo della comunità internazionale di musica sperimentale con una lunga serie di collaborazioni e uscite discografiche. A metà degli anni '90 ha co-fondato il quartetto minimalista Town & Country e ha lavorato in solo come Ben Vida o con lo pseudonimo di Bird Show - pubblicando con etichette come PAN, Alku, Thrill Jockey e Kranky - e con la Drag City band Singer. Ha presentato il suo lavoro negli Stati Uniti, Canada, Europa, Australia, Sud Corea e Giappone, in ambito musicale e visivo, partecipando a mostre e festival: a New York, al Guggenheim, The Artist’s Institute, The Kitchen; a Londra, al ICA Institute of Contemporary Art e al The Royal Festival Hall e Meltdown Festival; a Chicago, al Museum of Contemporary Art; così come  al Sydney Opera House, alla Leap Gallery Berlin, a MAMbo/Live Arts Week Bologna. Tra le esposizioni monografiche: [Smile on.]. . . [Pause.]. . . [Smile off.], Lisa Cooley New York; Microramp Boombox, Waterfront Gallery, New York; Damaged Particulates (Undersong Edition); Slipping Control al Audio Visual Arts di Manhattan; Bloopers #0 presentato da Triple Canopy/Performa a New York; e in collaborazione con l'artista Jeff Degolier, Metal Fatigue Music (music for Boom Car) al NADA Miami. Ha collaborato con Marina Rosenfeld, Luke Fowler, Hisham Bharoocha, Nadia Hironaka e Mathew Suib, e ha suonato in ensemble diretti da Tony Conrad, Rhys Chattam, e Werner Dafeldecker. Vida ha ricevuto diversi premi e commissioni dal MACBA di Barcellona, Unsound Festival New Works Commission, ed è stato Artist In Residency al ISSUE Project Room Brooklyn, a The Clocktower Manhattan, EMPAC Troy, e agli EMS Studios di Stoccolma.


Ben Vida is a Brooklyn based artist and composer. He has been an active member of the international experimental music community for two decades with a long list of collaborations, projects and releases to his credit. Vida has performed as a musician in several bands since the mid 1990s. He co-founded the minimalist quartet Town & Country  and continued to perform as a guitarist and trumpeter for the band. Vida was also a member of Pillow and Terminal 4 and recorded and performed solo as Bird Show - with releases on such labels as PAN, Alku, Thrill Jockey and Kranky - and in the Drag City band Singer. He has presented his work in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, South Korea and Japan. In addition to his musical endeavors, Vida has exhibited his work as a contemporary artist in recent years. His work has been performed and presented in New York at the Guggenheim, Audio Visual Arts, and The Artist’s Institute; in London at ICA Institute of Contemporary Art and The Royal Festival Hall as part of the Meltdown Festival; in Chicago at The Museum of Contemporary Art; and other locations such as the Sydney Opera House, Leap Gallery, Berlin, and MAMbo Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna/Live Arts Week. Other solo and two-person exhibitions include: [Smile on.]. . . [Pause.]. . . [Smile off.], Lisa Cooley, New York; Microramp Boombox, with Jeff DeGolier, Waterfront Gallery, New York;  Slipping Control (West), 356 S Mission Rd, Los Angeles; Damaged Particulates (Undersong Edition), Unsound NYC Experimental Intermedia, New York, then travelled to Cricoteka Museum, Kraków, and Leap Gallery, Berlin; Bloopers: #0, Performa Biennial, New York; Metal Fatigue Music with Jeff DeGolier, NADA Fair Miami special project, Miami Beach; Slipping Control, Audio Visual Arts, New York. Vida has been the recipient of several awards including the ISSUE Project Room Artist-in-Residency Commission; MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona Composing with Process Exclusive Works Commission; Unsound Festival New Works Commission and a Swedish Arts Committee Grant. Recent residencies include EMS Studios, Stockholm, EMPAC, Troy and the Clocktower, Manhattan.