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Daniel Löwenbrück


Daniel Löwenbrück è artista e compositore tedesco. Le sue performance possiedono una natura insieme poetica, ritualistica e terapeutica, sfiorando spesso l'assurdo e mescolando le diverse tattiche delle avanguardie europee (azionismo, Fluxus) con la musica acusmatica. Dagli anni '90 entra a far parte dello Schimpfluch-Gruppe (Rudolf Eb.er, Dave Phillips, Joke Lanz), del Performance-Group Ohne (Tom Smith, Dave Phillips, Reto Mäder), forma un duo assieme alla cantante e performer Doreen Kutzke, e, in solo, opera con lo pseudonimo di Raionbashi o con il proprio nome di battesimo. Ha collaborato in più di una occasione con Leif Elggren, Mattin, e Column One. Ha fondato Tochnit Aleph, etichetta specializzata in musica concreta, poesia sonora, multipli d'artista e noise, curando pubblicazioni di Hermann Nitsch, Artur Zmijewski, Rudolf Eb.er, Dave Phillips, Gerhard Rühm, Hartmut Geerken, Wolf Vostell, Zeitkratzer, Jean Dubuffet, Henri Chopin, Florian Hecker, Franz Mon, Dominik Steiger, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Toine Horvers, Roman Signer. Dal 2008 fonda e dirige a Berlino la galleria & record-shop Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik), dove ha curato installazioni ed eventi con Wolf Vostell, Toine Horvers, Joke Lanz, Michael Barthel, Jürgen Eckloff, Gerhard Rühm, Roman Signer, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Hartmut Geerken, Wolfgang Müller & Max Müller, Mario de Vega e altri.

www.tochnit-aleph.com     www.tochnit-aleph.com/raionbashi     


Daniel Löwenbrück is a german performance artist and composer of tape-music. His live-performances are of a concrete, poetic, ritualistic and therapeutic nature, and often bordering on the absurd, mixing the tactics of the european avantgardes (Actionism, Fluxus) with contemporary acousmatic music. He is performing internationally since the late 90's as part of the Schimpfluch-Gruppe (with Rudolf Eb.er, Dave Phillips, Joke Lanz), as a duo with singer and performance artist Doreen Kutzke, as part of the Performance-Group Ohne (with Tom Smith, Dave Phillips, Reto Mäder), and solo as Raionbashi and under his real name, including performances and festival appearances in New York, Bordeaux, Paris, Moscow, Minsk, London, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, Tokyo, Osaka, Rotterdam, etc. He has also collaborated with Leif Elggren, Mattin, and Column One. Löwenbrück founded the label Tochnit Aleph in 1994 publishing editions of Musique Concrete, Sound Poetry, Artist-Records & Multiples and Noise Music. He worked with & published works by Hermann Nitsch, Artur Zmijewski, Rudolf Eb.er, Dave Phillips, Gerhard Rühm, Hartmut Geerken, Wolf Vostell, Zeitkratzer, Jean Dubuffet, Henri Chopin, Florian Hecker, Franz Mon, Dominik Steiger, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Toine Horvers, Roman Signer, just to name the most prominent. Since 2008 Löwenbrück curates the Gallery & Record-Shop Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik) in Berlin, specialized in Artist-Records, Sound Poetry, Contemporary Composers and the historical avantgarde. At the gallery he curated exhibitions and events by Wolf Vostell, Toine Horvers, Joke Lanz, Michael Barthel, Jürgen Eckloff, Gerhard Rühm, Roman Signer, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Hartmut Geerken, Wolfgang Müller & Max Müller, Mario de Vega, amongst others.