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Laura Brothers


Laura Brothers aka Out4Pizza, artista statunitense basata a New York. Ha esposto lavori in video e stampe digitali in diverse collettive a Los Angeles, Baltimora, New York, Merlino, Mexico City e Monaco. Annoverata all'interno della corrente post-internet, parte dall’elaborazione di figure animate, gif, costruite con estrema cura per composizioni che giocano sulle variazioni ottiche, ai limiti del percepibile, dando forma ad immagini che evocano un immaginario tecnologico ed architettonico favoloso, tra retro-futurismo ed art noveau. Ne emergono piccole composizioni straniate, sofisticatamente lo-fi, immerse in un'apnea cangiante ed improbabile, ma rigorosamente minimalista.


Laura Brothers aka Out4Pizza, american artist based in New York, she has exhibited work in video and digital prints in various group exhibitions in Los Angeles, Baltimore, New York, Merlino, Mexico City and Munich. One of the current post-internet, she begins with the processing of animated figures, gif, built with extreme care to achieve compositions that play on the optical variations, the limits of the perceptible, building images that evoke a fabulous technological and architectural imaginary world, including retro-futurism and art Nouveau. Out of this come small strange compositions, sophisticatedly lo-fi, surrounded by an iridescent and unlikely, but strictly minimalist, apnea.
