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Christine De Smedt


Christine De Smedt, artista belga. Il suo lavoro si colloca tra la danza, la performance, la coreografia, il coordinamento, l'organizzazione e la cura di progetti artistici. E ' co-fondatrice della compagnia Les Ballets C. de la B., che ha prodotto il suolavoro dal 1993 ad oggi. Ha collaborato con Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods, Mette Edvardsen, Mårten Spångberg, Xavier Le Roy, Philipp Gehmacher, Vladimir Miller, Myriam Van Imschoot. Dal 2005 crea con Eszter Salamon nvsbl, dance#1, dance#2, e il progetto Transformers. Al momento lavora al solo 4 Choreographic Portraits e cura la residenza per artisti SummerIntensive.


Christine De Smedt is a belgian artist. Her artistic work is situated between dancing/performing, choreographing, coordinating, organizing and curating artistic projects. Being a member of the company Les Ballets C. de la B. in Gent, Belgium, she produced her own work since 1993. She collaborated with Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods, Mette Edvardsen, Mårten Spångberg, Xavier Le Roy, Philipp Gehmacher, Vladimir Miller, Myriam Van Imschoot. From 2005 produced with Eszter Salamonnvsbl, dance#1, dance#2, and the project Transformers. Currently she works on 4 Choreographic Portraits and curates the artist residence SummerIntensive.