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Michaela Grill


Michaela Grill, filmaker austriaca, studia a Vienna, Glasgow e Londra. Dal 1995 realizza un nutrito corpus di film, video, installazioni sonore e visuals, in solo e in vari progetti collaborativi (tra cui quelli con Martin Siewert, Christof Kurzmann, Toshimaru Nakamura, Giuseppe Ielasi e Billi Roisz). Il suoi film, segnati da un interesse per certi aspetti urbani e un gusto minimalista, sono distribuiti da SixPackFilm e Light Cone.


Michaela Grill (visuals), austrian filmaker, has studied in Vienna, Glasgow and London. Since 1995 various film/video works, sound installations and live visuals. Michaela Grill has produced a wide range of work, both as a solo artist, and through an impressive array of collaborative projects (with Martin Siewert, Christof Kurzmann, Toshimaru Nakamura, Giuseppe Ielasi, Billi Roisz and others). Her films, with an interest in certain urban aspects and a minimalist aesthetic, are distributed by SixPackFilm and Light Cone.