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Voin de Voin


Voin de Voin, artista bulgaro con sede a Parigi ed Amsterdam, lavora sull'intersezione tra performance, video, arti visive e moda. Si interessa alle live arts come luogo di trasformazione, dubbio di e vulnerabilità. Si è formato al Dasarts Institute for Advanced Studies in Performance Arts a Amsterdam, EICAR Ecole International de Cinéma et Realisation a Parigi, Rietveld Academy a Amsterdam, School for New Dance Development a Amsterdam, Laban Centre a Londra, e all'Accademia d'Arte Drammatica di Sofia. È tra i fondatori del collettivo Kangaroo productions a Amsterdam e nel 2004 a Parigi vita al collettivo di musica visiva Dreamachine. Nelle performance e nel lavoro visivo ha collaborato tra gli altri con Liminal Institute, Martin Buttler, Yael Davids, Limitrophy Theatre, Robert Steijn.



Voin de Voin, bulgarian artist living in Paris and Amsterdam, works in performance art, video, visual arts and fashion, reflecting on transformations, self doubt and the vulnerability of the 'live moment'. He has been educated at the Dasarts Institute for Advanced Studies in Performance Arts in Amsterdam, EICAR (Ecole International de Cinéma et Realisation) in Paris, the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam, the Laban Centre in London, and the Academy Of Dramatic Arts in Sofia. He is a founding member of the Kangaroo Productions collective in Amsterdam and, in 2004, launched the Dreamachine collective for visual music in Paris. In his performances and visual works he has collaborated with the Liminal Institute, Martin Buttler, Yael Davids, Limitrophy Theatre, Robert Steijn and others.