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Edouard Levé


Edouard Levé vive a Parigi. Il suo lavoro, essenzialmente fotografico, esplora il terreno della scrittura, del video, della performance. Dal 2000 ad oggi ha pubblicato una decina di opere letterarie e fotografiche tra cui Reconstitutions, Journal e Autoportrait, e creato le performance Pornographie e Collectif Mix-vidéo Anamorphoses et pièce sonore. Dai primi lavori del '98 Levé elabora progressivamente il dispositivo formale dell'opera omnia fotografica Reconstitutions (costituita dalle serie Rêves reconstitués, Actualités, Pornographie, Rugby, Quotidien e Fictions) in cui sperimenta un principio di composizione attenta allo spazio pittorico, lavorando sul paradosso fotografico e sugli immaginari personali e collettivi, tra astrazione e realismo.

Edouard Levé lives in Paris. His work, essentially photographic, explores the territories of writing, video and performance. From 2000 to the present he has published scores of literary works and photographs, among them Reconstitutions, Journal and Autoportrait, as well as created performances Pornographie and Collectif Mix-vidéo Anamorphoses et pièce sonore. From his early works in 1998 Levé progressively elaborates the formal aspect of the overall work Reconstitutions (from the series Rêves reconstitués, Actualités, Pornographie, Rugby, Quotidien and Fictions) in which he experiments with a principle of composition attentive to pictorial space, working on photographic paradoxes, as well as on personal and collective images, between abstraction and realism.