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Myriam Gourfink


Myriam Gourfink, coreografa e danzatrice francesesi forma al Conservatorio nazionale di Musica e Danza di Angers, e negli anni '90 studia danza contemporaneafrequenta la Scuola Francese di Yoga. La pratica di questa disciplina unita alla meditazione le permette di prendere in considerazione nuove strade nel modo di intendere e praticare la sperimentazione del movimento. Le coreografie di Myriam Gourfink, basate su metodi di visualizzazione interiore, si caratterizzano per la lentezza, per l’estrema attenzione a tutte le parti del corpo, per il rapporto con i luoghi in cui esse sono rappresentate e per la creazione di tracce invisibili. Micro-respirazioni, micro-movimenti, anche questi sono elementi chiave della sua ricerca coreografica, sempre in relazione con i concetti di spazio pieno e vuoto. Nelle sue performance Gourfink propone più che una danza, una sorta di yoga in movimento associandola a scelte estetiche radicalmente contemporanee. Ha lavorato in stretta connessione con compositori e ricercatorisul suono e sulla programmazione informatica, per la generazione di partiture fisico-spaziali.


Myriam Gourfink is a french dancer and chorographer. The respiratory techniques of yoga are at the source of Myriam Gourfink’s endeavors. The idea is to seek after the inner urge that leads to movement. Guided by breath, the organization of bases of support is extremely exact, while the consciousness of space is shaky. The dance becomes slow, tedious within continuous time. This knowledge of movement and space makes possible the conception of choreographies without studio rehearsal. Thanks to what it suggests of a dance situation, there is no need to move in order to feel dance: the senses and the intellect reconstitute it. As do musicians, she uses a symbolic writing system to compose the geometrical universe and poetic evolution of dance. Having studied Laban notation, she undertook a quest, using this system as a point of departure, for the formalizing of her own compositional language. Each choreography encourages the performer to be conscious of his acts and of whatever passes through him. The scores activate his participation: he makes choices, carries out operations, confronts the unexpected within the written text, to which he responds instantly. For certain projects, the scores include computer programs for the scrambling and real-time re-generation of the pre-written composition. The computer setup is thus at the core of the space-time relationship. Myriam Gourfink is a leading figure in choreographic research in France, but also the guest of numerous international festivals (Springdance in New York City, KunstenFestivaldesArts in Brussels, the Festival de la Bâtie in Geneva, the Danças Na Cidade festival in Lisbon etc.), Myriam Gourfink was artist in residence at the IRCAM in 2004-2005 and at the national Fresnoy-studio for contemporary arts in 2005-2006. From 2008 to 2013 she has been director of the Program for Choreographic Research and Composition at the Royaumont Foundation. From 2012 to 2015 she was artist in residence at the Forum de Blanc-Mesnil