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André Gonçalves


André Gonçalves, artista cross-mediale basato a Lisbona, muove i suoi primi passi come programmatore autodidatta concentrandosi sulla sperimentazione digitale e creando applicazioni audiovisuali con max-msp, java e C++. Nel 2002 si concentra sulla filosofia del 'do it yourself' che lo conduce alla realizzazione di svariati strumenti elettrici ed elettronici re-impiegando ogni sorta di tecnologia hardware e software.


André Gonçalves, Lisbon based sound and media artist. SInce 1998 he has been working in several artistic fields that include painting, music, video, installation and performance. Empathy programmer with googlian self-education, he has been developing several audio-video applications in max-msp, flash, java, processing and C++ along with various experiments in the analog world. From 2002 on, he was always getting closer to 'do it yourself' electronics, experimenting with sensor interfaces and programming. More recently he has been collecting and recycling found electronic hardware, hacking it to make possible the idea to create analog devices that can act like bots with specific functions such as printing, drawing, tv graphics, sound creation, etc. These actions are orchestrated by PIC micro-controllers, small computer processors that can be programmed to control multiple devices.