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Luke Fowler


Luke Fowler vive a Glasgow e si è imposto nel mondo dell’arte contemporanea per i suoi ritratti di esperimenti sociali radicali del passato come What You See is Where You Are At (2001) sulla Kingsley Hall negli anni '60 e Pilgrimage From Scattered Points (2006) su Cornelius Cardew e la Scratch Orchestra. È stato fra gli artisti della Tate Triennial nel 2006, nel 2008 ha vinto il primo Jarman Award e nel 2010 il Contemporary Art Society Annual Award for Museums. Ha avuto personali alla Serpentine Gallery di Londra, presso IMO a Copenhagen, e al Kunsthaus di Zurigo. L’opera A Grammar for Listening (in collaborazione con Eric La Casa, Lee Patterson e Toshiya Tsunda) è stata presentata al Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Rotterdam ed è parte di The British Art Show 7.

Luke Fowler lives in Glasgow and is known in the world of contemporary art for his earlier pictures of radical social experiments such as What You See is Where You Are At (2001) of Kingsley Hall in the '60's and Pilgrimage From Scattered Points (2006) of Cornelius Cardew and the Scratch Orchestra. He was among the artists in the Tate Triennial in 2006; in 2008 he won the first Jarman Award and in 2010 the Contemporary Art Society Annual Award for Museums. He has had solo shows at the Serpentine Gallery in London, IMO in Copenhagen, and Kunsthaus in Zurich. His work A Grammar for Listening (in collaboration with Eric La Casa, Lee Patterson and Toshiya Tsunda) was presented at the Rotterdam International Cinema Festival and The British Art Show 7.