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Gaëtan Bulourde & Olivier Toulemonde


Gaëtan Bulourde artista francese, vive e lavora a Bruxelles. Dopo gli studi di matematica e chitarra classica, ha suonato il basso con diverse rock band e formazioni di musica sperimentale e ha poi maturato un interesse per le arti visive e la danza. Dal 1998 ha sviluppato progetti tra danza, teatro e performance sia in solo, come Pfuuf ou le bout de la langue (2004) e TV News Hasselt (2006), che con altri collaboratori come Already Made (2010) con Valérie Castan e Werner Hirsch, e Not every object used to nail is a hammer (2008) con Olivier Toulemonde. Come danzatore e performer ha collaborato tra gli altri con Meg Stuart, Xavier Le Roy, Marco Berrettini, Martine Pisani, Thomas Lehmen, Christian Rizzo. Come musicista ha dato vita al solo di basso e chitarra Bionik e ha partecipato a Sleaze Art, la formazione di 7 bassi e chitarre del compositore Kasper Toeplitz.


Gaëtan Bulourde, born in France, lives and works in Bruxelles. After mathematics studies he played bass guitar in various rock bands until he developed interest for fine arts and dance. Since 1998 he developed projects between dance, theater and performances like the solos Pfuuf ou le bout de la langue (2004) and TV News Hasselt (2006), besides collaborative projects as Already Made (2010) with Valérie Castan and Werner Hirsch, and Not every object used to nail is a hammer (2008) with Olivier Toulemonde. As a dancer/performer he has collaborated in different productions with Meg Stuart, Xavier Le Roy, Marco Berrettini, Martine Pisani, Thomas Lehmen, Christian Rizzo, among others. As a musician he developed a bass and guitar solo, Bionik, and participated at Sleaze Art, a 7 electrics basses and guitars band around the composer Kasper Toeplitz.

Olivier Toulemonde musicista, vive e lavora a Berlino. Nel 1993 ha co-fondato il Collectif Ishtar con altri 20 musicisti e danzatori e l'anno successivo è entrato nel Collectif et Compagnie. Suona musica di improvvisazione con oggetti acustici e corde amplificate: lavora sull'ascolto, la ricerca del suono e la relazione tra suono e spazio. Oltre che con Bulourde, ha collaborato con Nicolas Desmarchelier, Michel Doneda, Christine Sehnaoui, Mathias Forge, Agnes Palier, Jack Wright. I suoi ultimi lavori sono The Sound Metallurgy Trade Union con Arnaud Paquotte (2009), Seismograph (2008), Empty Factory (2008), e il pezzo radiofonico Mosquito (2009). Toulemonde ha creato quindici soundtracks per i video dell'artista Muriel Toulemonde, presentati internazionalmente. Il suo ultimo disco è Crickxstraat (con Agnès Palier / FFHHH records).


Olivier Toulemonde lives and works in Berlin. In 1993 he was a co-founder of Collectif Ishtar and joined the Collectif et Compagnie. He plays improvised music with acoustic objects or amplified springs. He works on listening, sound research and the relationship between sound and space. Besides Bulourde, he has collaborated with Nicolas Desmarchelier, Michel Doneda, Christine Sehnaoui, Mathias Forge, Agnes Palier, Jack Wright. His latest works are The Sound Metallurgy Trade Union with Arnaud Paquotte (2009), Seismograph (2008), Empty Factory (2008), furthermore the radiophonic piece Mosquito (2009). Toulemonde has been also responsible for around fifteen soundtracks for Muriel Toulemonde's video works, which have been exhibited internationally. His latest release was 2010 Crickxstraat (with Agnès Palier / FFHHH records).