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Gisèle Vienne


Gisèle Vienne (1976) vive e lavora tra Parigi e Grenoble. Ha studiato Filosofia e frequentato l’Ecole supérieure nationale des Arts de la Marionnette. Dopo aver fondato la compagnia D.A.C.M. (De l’Autre Côté du Miroir) con cui ha messo in scena e coreografato Splendid's (2000), Showroomdummies (2001), Stéréotypie (2003), Tranen Veinzen (2004) in collaborazione con Etienne Bideau-Reye, Vienne ha sviluppato un lavoro 'in solo' come regista e coreografa a partire da I Apologize (2004), seguito da Une belle enfant blonde / A young, beautiful blonde girl creato per il Festival di Avignone 2005.


Gisèle Vienne, born in 1976, is a Franco-Austrian artist, choreographer and director. After graduating with a degree in Philosophy, she studied at the puppeteering school Ecole Supérieure Nationale des Arts de la Marionnette. There, she met Etienne Bideau-Rey with whom she created her first shows. She works regularly with, amongst others, the writers Dennis Cooper and Catherine Robbe-Grillet, the musicians Peter Rehberg and Stephen O'Malley, the lighting designer Patrick Riou and the actor Jonathan Capdevielle. Since 2004 she has choreographed and directed, in collaboration with the writer Cooper, I Apologize (2004), Une belle enfant blonde / A young, beautiful blond girl (2005).