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Jason Kahn


Jason Kahn musicista e scrittore americano, è attivo nella scena musicale europea fin dal 1990, quando si è spostato da Los Angeles alla volta di Berlino e poi Zurigo. Ha suonato con Gunter Muller, Erik M, Voice Crack, Sainkho Namtchylak, Evan Parker, Christian Marclay, Kevin Drumm, Steve Roden, Kim Cascone, Greg Kelley, Bhob Rhainey, Toshimaru Nakamura e molti altri. Dopo un inizio da percussionista Kahn inizia ad integrare le sue performance, dalla metà dei '90, con live electronics e campionatori, più tardi arriverà ad elaborare software per l'uso del computer nel live processing. Nel periodo che va dal '94 al '99 Kahn ha fatto parte dell'Orchestra of Excited Strings" di Arnold Dreyblatt prendendo parte a diverse installazioni, concerti e progetti multi-media. Nel 1998 fonda e dirige l'etichetta Cut per dieci anni. Nel 2011 apre una nuova etichetta, Editions, con cui pubblica il proprio lavoro sonoro e letterario. Oltre a concerti live, ha lavorato per la radio, il teatro, il cinema.


Jason Kahn is a musician, artist and writer. He was born 1960 in New York and grew up in Los Angeles. He re-located to Europe in 1990 and is currently based in Zürich. As an electronic musician, vocalist and drummer Kahn collaborates regularly with many musicians, both in improvised settings and in the context of graphical scores which he composes for specific groups. Kahn has exhibited his installations in museums, galleries, art spaces and public sites internationally. These works focus on the idea of space: the conceptual and physical juncture points, its production and dissolution, and our relation to it as a political, social and environmental medium. Kahn's other activities include sound pieces for radio, film, dance and theater. He has also designed numerous CD, LP and cassette covers. As a writer, his work has appeared in books, magazines and as liner notes to many audio publications. Performing regularly around the world, Kahn has given concerts throughout Europe, North and South America, Australia, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Turkey and South Africa. From 1998 until 2008 Kahn ran the label Cut, releasing twenty-five CD's which included both his own work and that of many other artists. In 2011 Kahn started the Editions imprint to publish his own recordings and writings.