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Gertjan Van Gennip


Gertjan Van Gennip (NL) artista e performer olandese. Studia a DasArts, Advanced Studies in the Performing Arts, Amsterdam. È autore di numerose performance nelle quali a vita a figure "profetiche", a metà tra creature divine e animali, che abitano lo spazio del quotidiano enunciando, attraverso partiture ritmiche dal vago eco medioevale, da lui stesso ideate, testi dotati di una potente cifra evocativa. Tra le sue creazioni performative ricordiamo Below and the place between, in collaborazione con Brune Campos Todaycompany, e lo spettacolo A banana is a banana.

Gertjan Van Gennip (1982 NL) Dutch artist and performer. Graduated at DasArts, Master of Theatre, Amsterdam. The author of numerous performances in which he gives life to “prophetic” figures, halfway between divine creatures and animals, which inhabit the space of revelation traced from visionary texts conceived by him. His creations The Honey Queen (2009) Above Below and the Place Between (2009), The Beginning (2010), Das Märchen (2011) have been performed in theatres and museum internationally, Rotterdamse Schouwburg (The Netherlands), Internazional Festival of Santarcangelo (Italy), Centre Pompidou (Paris, France), Les Urbaines (Lausanne, Switzerland)