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Hervé Boghossian


Hervé Boghossian è un chitarrista e musicista elettronico, nasce a Marsiglia(Francia), dove vive attualmente . Nel 1997 si trasferisce a Parigi. Nel 1999 fonda, insieme a Jurgen Heckel (alias Sogar) la band di avant-rock ION+. Dopo diversi concerti, cd-r autoprodotti, un singolo, lemo/lect uscito per l'etichetta  tedesca Beau Rivage nel 2000, e dopo l'ultimo concerto tenutosi al Batofar di Parigi nel 2000, il duo decide di concentrarsi su progetti solisti. Inizia quindi la sua carriera solista con lo pseudonimo SOL. Compone la colonna sonora di 15 minuti <i@s> in collaborazione con il regista tedesco Thomas Einfeldt. Si tratta della  prima uscita in cd-r (settembre 2001) per la sua etichetta LIST. L'opera è stata presentata a vari festival in Francia, USA e Spagna. Per l'etichetta LIST (www.list-en.com) sono usciti oltre che delle compilation anche Cd di Sogar, Mou,lips!, Hervé Boghossian. Ha suonato in duo con Guenter Mueller, Matthieu Saladin, David Grubbs, Sogar, Alan Licht, Marina Rosenfeld, Taylor Dupree... Attualmente sta collaborando con Martin Brandlmayr e Werner Dafeldecker.


Hervé Boghossian is a guitarist and electronic musician, born in Marseille (France), where he currently lives. Boghossian began to work solo with his guitar & computer in late 2000. In september 2001, he released a cd-r audio-video called "i@s" that was his first electronic composition and was created together with german video director Thomas Einfeldt. It was also #0 of his own music label "list", which soon released albums from sogar, mou, lips!, the Günter Müller & Steinbrüchel duo as well as Hervé Boghossian's record "rvb". The label also released 2 compilations with exclusive tracks from international artists like Taylor Deupree, Richard Chartier, Alan Licht, Charles Curtis, Otomo Yoshihide, Werner Dafeldecker & Martin Siewert, Mitchell Akiyama, Colleen...Soon after the release of »rvb«, Hervé Boghossian began to work on his album »mouvements« that was based on guitar sounds processed by computer. The album was released on raster-noton in june 2004. In late 2004, he created the trio project "plateformes" with Matthieu Saladin (amplified bass clarinet), Stéphane Rives (soprano saxophone) and Boghossian on the guitar. The album was released in march 2006 by the canadian label 1.8(sec)records. At the same time, he started to work on the composition series project "archi.texture". The first volume featured John Tilbury (amm) on the piano & Mark Wastell on the cello, whereas Boghossian was in charge of the composition & computer process. The album was released in august 2006 on the brand new english label Cathnor. 2 more volumes were to follow, featuring contributions from burkhard beins, Stéphane Rives, Bertrand Denzler...