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Luc Ferrari


Luc Ferrari è nato a Parigi, ha studiato pianoforte e ha iniziato a comporre nel1946. Dal 1952 frequenta la Scuola di Darmstadt, dove vengono eseguiti diversi suoi lavori. Nel 1958 si unisce al Groupe de Musique Concrète, rimanendovi fino al 1966, e collabora con Pierre Schaeffer alla creazione del Groupe de Recherches Musicales (1958). E' stato Professore di Composizione alla Rheinische Musikschule di Colonia dal 1964 al '65. Nel 1966 produce Les Grandes Rèpetition, una serie di documentari televisivi focalizzati sulla musica contemporanea, in particolare su Olivier Messiaen, Edgar Varèse, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Hermann Scherchen e Cecil Taylor. Nel 1972 vince il Premio Karl Sczuka con Portrait-Spiel e ancora nel 1988 con Je me suis perdu, nel 1987 vince il Prix Italia con Et si tout entiere maintenant e nel 1991 con L'Escalier des aveugles. Nel 1982 fonda l'associazione musicale elettroacustica/radiofonica La Muse en Circuit. Nel 1996 crea il suo studio personale, l'Atelier post-billig.


Luc Ferrari was a French composer, particularly noted for his tape music. Ferrari was born in Paris and studied the piano under Alfred Cortot, musical analysis under Olivier Messiaen and composition under Arthur Honegger. His first works were freely atonal. In 1954, Ferrari went to the United States to meet Egdar Varese whose Déserts had impressed him. In 1958 he co-founded the Groupe des Recherche Musicales with Pierre Schaeffer. He taught in institutions around the world, and worked for film, theatre and radio. By the early 1960s, Ferrari had begun work on his Hétérozygote, a piece for magnetic tape which uses ambient environmental sounds in "an organized and poetic, though non-plot oriented manner." The use of ambient recordings was to become a distinctive part of Ferrari's musical language. It has been seen as an affirmation of John Cage’s idea that music is always going on all around us, and if only we were to stop to listen to it, we would realise this. Ferrari continued to write purely instrumental music as well as his tape pieces. He also made a number of documentary films on contemporary composers in rehearsal, including Olivier Messiaen, Cecil Taylor and Karlheinz Stockhausen. In 1982 he created the electro-acustic/radio music association La Muse en Circuit, and in 1996 founded his own Atelier post-billig.