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Marc Behrens


Marc Behrens, nato a Darmstadt, Germania, dal 1991 vive e lavora a Francoforte; dal 1997 è cittadino del Regno di Elgaland-Vargaland. Ha studiato comunicazione e design industriale ed è sempre stato attivo in più campi artistici. Attivo fin dai tardi anni ‘80 nell’ambiente del jazz sperimentalenel decennio successivo il suo lavoro si concentra sull’eleborazione di opere multimediali. Oggi l’opera di Behrens trova forse la sua migliore definizione in sound art: performance, installazioni, recorded media (sia audio che video). Ha tenuto un consistente numero di performance, concerti, seminari in Europa, Giappone, Medio Oriente e Nord America. Behrens crea musica elettronica a partire da registrazioni ambientali, poi processate digitalmente, di montagneforeste, costruzioni industriali, metropolitane... Durante i concerti spesso usa microfoni a contatto per “suonare lo spazio della performance”, o il suo stesso corpo. Il suo lavoro è stato pubblicato da Trente Oiseaux, Digital Nercis, Raster-Noton, Intransitive, Sirr e Absurd.




Marc Behrens, german musician, works internationally on several cerebral and physical levels, his work consists mainly of electronic and concrete music, installations and also photographs and video. Since 1989 he has released more than 30 music albums. His activities since 2008 include sound recording in remote Western China, in Australia, Namibia and the Amazon, founding an incorporated company as a social art work, and staging a rite of passage for an investment banker. He produced radio works for WDR 3, hr2-kultur, Deutschlandradio Kultur. In 2006–2010 Marc Behrens was a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts, Saarbrücken, Germany (HBKSaar), and 2007–2009 at the University of Applied Arts Darmstadt-Dieburg, Germany. In 2003–2007 he was co-director of the music label Sirr, 2006–2009 co-director of the Frankfurt Association of Contemporary Music (FGNM), 2010–2013 member of Granular (Lisbon). Behrens is a member of the German Association for Electroacoustic Music (DEGEM), and a citizen of The Kingdoms of Elgaland~Vargaland. In 1989–1993 he ran the music label Animal Art, and since 2014 his own music label Availabel. Collaborations with Atom, Miguel Carvalhais, Maile Colbert, Bernhard Günter, Nikolaus Heyduck, Yôko Higashi, Francisco López, Paulo Raposo, Pedro Tudela, Ho. Turner and Achim Wollscheid, among others. Concerts in many European countries, in South Africa, Chile, USA, Japan, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia, Israel and Palestine.