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Cuqui Jerez


Cuqui Jerez, danzatrice e film-maker spagnola, dopo aver studiato balletto al Conservatorio di Madrid, si è trasferita a  New York dove ha seguito corsi di danza contemporanea al Movement Research e regia cinematografica alla New York Film Academy. Ha lavorato come danzatrice e performer in diverse compagnie, film e produzioni ed ha partecipato a vari progetti coreografici internazionali fra cuiProject di Xavier Le Roy e The Show Must Go on di Jérôme Bel. A Bologna ha presentato nel 2004 la performance A Space Odyssey (2002) al Festival Internazionale sullo Spettacolo Contemporaneo, Your Private Sky.


Cuqui Jerez is an artist, choreographer and performer. She was born in 1973 in Madrid. She lives and works in Madrid and Berlin. She studied dance in Madrid and New York. In 1990 she graduated at Real Conservatorio de Música y Danza of Madrid. Since 1990 she has been working as a dancer and performer in several companies, films and productions. In 1995 she started to develop her own work. She created the following pieces: Me encontraré bien enseguida solo me falta la respiración (1995), Dígase en tono mandril (1996), Hiding Inches (1999), A space odyssey (2002) (2001), The Real Fiction (2005); The Rehearsal (2007) as part of the project The Neverstarting Story in collaboration with Maria Jerez, Cristina Blanco and Amaia Urra; The Croquis Reloaded (2009);  The Nowness Mystery (2011) andCrocodiles and Alligators (2012). Her work has been presented in several festivals and theatres in Europe, USA and Latin America.