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Luca Bertini


Luca Bertini nasce in Svizzera, vive e lavora a Milano. I suoi progetti artistici sperimentano vari mezzi epressivi. Per Palestra Out/Galleriad'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo, nel  2004 realizza Vi-Conun'opera che vive in rete, nella quale due virus innamorati si cercano rincorrendosi attraverso i computer connessi. Per Pianissimo di Milano, sempre nel 2004, realizza 29un'operazione visiva e sonora in cui l'oscillazioni borsistiche delcrollo del '29, trascodificate in note da un software, vengono suonate da una Big Band Jazz. I.IAR, inveceè uno "strumento interattivo per rivoluzioni autistiche", un'opera nella quale un'apparecchiatura radio diffonde via etere messaggi in codici destinati a una moltitudine di eversori inestitenti, realizzata per Controlled Revolution Number 4, Codogno, ex Ospedale Soave, 2003.
Luca Bertini, visual and sound artist born in Switzerland, lives and works in Milan. His projects deal with a profound fascination for the beauty, frailty and autism of contemporary systems. Systems themselves are usually exploited as raw material in his pieces. After infiltrating and manipulating them, he silently reintroduces them into their own environments. Which happens to be ours, too. As a result of that, most of his works are real-life grafts, not only living on an art-world level, but capable of sharing their existence with us. Somewhere, secretly out there. Like 800-178968, an ambiguous toll-free number service in a desperate need of a public, morbidly calling thousands and thousands of people all-over Italy; or Vi-Con, two computer viruses in love, harmless and weak, roaming from computer to computer (possibly yours) to find each other. Or I.IAR, a radio conspiracy message generator, but for no one to listen. He transcoded Black Thursday’s stock-exchange intraday data into a comfortable, glamorous jazz concert (29); and set up a synthesized life form sustained by incoherent informations taken from data fluxes (NACRE). His project HAI, involved geostationary satellites. They play “broken telephone” game together, confidentially, 22.400 Miles above our heads. He exposed - among others - at New York Gallery - ISE foundation, at Sonar ‘06 , at Audio Relays in Lafayette, at Expo` de Mulhouse, at GAMeC - Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo, at Peam - Pescara Electronic Artists meeting, at Pianissimo Gallery, at Edith-Ruß-Haus fu¨r Medienkunst, Oldemburg.