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Rachida Ziani


Rachida Ziani, artista francese in Olanda, ha studiato grafica e incisione alla International School of Contemporary Art La Villa Arson di Nizza. Matura in un secondo momento l'interesse per la musica e il suono, scoprendo parallelamente il fascino di automi, dispositivi meccanici e trucchi utilizzati nel cinema e nella magia. Inizia a lavorare quindi sui sistemi e i software di traduzione necessari all'interazione uomo-macchina, smontandone le componenti e indagandone i potenziali estetici. Approda al progetto Elektrolab dopo la collaborazione con Jeroen Uyttendaele con cui sviluppa Graphite Circuits installazione sonora che utilizza la grafite come conduttore elettrico.

Rachida Ziani is a french artist, living and working in The Hague, The Netherlands. Rachida started her artistic formation in EPIAR, the International School of Contemporary Art, La Villa Arson, in Nice, where she researched and refined her skills in illustration and etching. Later on she developed a strong interest in music and sound, and a deep fascination for mechanical machines and devices, automatas and tricks used in abstract cinema and magical performances. Her growing interest in the interaction between the human and the machine led to the making of 'translating-machines' and sound interfaces. With these interfaces the beauty of electricity is shown by open up different electronic components. Together with Jeroen Uyttendaele she developed Graphite Circuits, sound installations and performances using graphite as a conductor for electricity. At the moment she is completing her studies ArtScience at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague and together with Rachida Ziani she developes the Elektrolab series.