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Giuseppe Ielasi


Giuseppe Ielasi (1974), suona la chitarra dal 1988 muovendosi nel circuito dell’improvvisazione. Ha in corso collaborazioni con Renato Rinaldi, Alessandro Bosetti, Michel Doneda, Ingar Zach, Dean Roberts.  Ha suonato con Taku Sugimoto, Jerome Noetinger, Mark Wastell, Martin Siewert, Nmperign, Brandon Labelle, Nikos Veliotis ed altriNegli ultimi anni si è interessato di progetti site-specific e solo performances, in cui utilizza la chitarra come fonte sonora  originaria che si integra con l’uso di microfoni e diffusione multi-canale in relazione allo spazio creando ambienti sonori complessi. Collabora stabilmente con Teatro Aperto e dal 1998 segue l’etichetta Fringes recordings, da lui fondata, che chiude nel 2005 e cofonda la "Schoolmap Records" nel 2006.

Giuseppe Ielasi born in 1974, lives near Milan since 1990. Started playing guitar in 1988, and worked for many years in the area of ‘improvised music’ (long term collaborations with Renato Rinaldi in the duo Oreledigneur, Thomas Ankersmit, Michel Doneda, Ingar Zach, Dean Roberts). Between 1997 and 2006 he has performed live with Taku Sugimoto, Jerome Noetinger, Mark Wastell, Martin Siewert, Nmperign, Brandon Labelle, Nikos Veliotis, Alessandro Bosetti, Gert-Jan Prins, Phill Niblock, Oren Ambarchi, and many others. From 2007 on, his main interest has been in site-specific solo performances, still using guitars as primary sound sources but integrating microphones and multi-channel speaker systems in order to create complex networks for sound diffusion in relationship to space. He recently started a collaboration with Austrian video artist Michaela Grill (US tour in 2007, participations at the Rotterdam Film Festival, Evolution Festival in Leed, FilmSoundFilm in Marfa,TX) and is more and more involved in performances and installations with Renato Rinaldi and Armin Linke (ZKM Karlsruhe, Villa Romana Florence, Kunsthalle Berlin, Festival della Scienza Genova). In 1998 he founded the “Fringes recordings” label, closed in 2005, and co-founded “Schoolmap Records” in 2006.