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Rodrigo Garcia


Rodrigo Garcia, artista argentino nato a Buenos Aires, dal 1986 trapiantato a Madrid e attualmente a Montpellier in Francia dove dirige dal 2014 il centro di drammaturgia nazionale ribatezzato Humain Trop Humain. Autore e regista, ha fondato la compagnia La Carnicerìa Teatro con cui ha realizzato spettacoli presentati in tutto il mondo. Provocatorio e dissacrante usa vari linguaggi dal video all'arte plastica, alla pura narrazione. Dagli anni '90 Garcia è uno dei personaggi chiave della scena teatrale internazionale.
Rodrigo Garcia is an Argentinian author and theatre director, born in Buenos Aires. Since 1986 he has lived and worked in Madrid, and he is currently based in Montpellier, France, where he directs the national dramatic centre Humain Trop Humain since 2014. In 1989 he founded his own theatre company, La Carnicería Teatro, which staged several of his experimental productions and toured internationally.  Rodrigo Garcia has written amd published many plays. Provocative and irreverent, he works with various media from video to plastic art, to pure narrative. Since the '90 Garcia is one of the key figures of the international theater scene.
