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Martí Guixé


Martí Guixé vive fra Barcellona e Berlino. Ha collaborato con Authentics, Galeria H2O, Droog Design, Cha-cha, Chupa Chups. E’ interior designer dei principali Camper Store fra cui quelli di Londra, Barcellona, Milano, New York, Frankfurt. Ha preso parte a mostre fra le quali: Couleur Locale, Droog Design for Oranienbaum, Oranienbaum; Design und Zeit, Kunsthalle Krems; HiBYE, MoMa New York e, recentemente, la mostra Sonic Process, Centre Georges Pompidou di Parigi e Macba di Barcellona. Negli ultimi anni ha partecipato al Fuori Salone del Mobile con progetti ed oggetti per Droog Design.


Martí Guixé, catalonian designer linving in Barcelona and Berlin, comes from the background of every good designer, with an academic curriculum to his credit and work done with famous firms. But as revolutionaries today are born within the institutions that trained them, he revolutionizes design by working on living matter, that can be transformed and decomposed, hybridizing such areas as anthropology, humour, gastronomy, typography, the human sciences, exact sciences, performance, design. He analyses situations, behaviour and gestures and proposes radically effective solutions with minimal ergonomics, liberated from the image of an idealized body where technocratic perspective tried to create the right form: he invents the indispensable commodities of the twenty-first century. Martí Guixè's world is made of compact, effective objects going from the eye to the hand to the mouth: non-conventional, reassuring and metaphysical.