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Ellen Alien


Ellen Alien, protagonista da molti anni di quella complessa e nuova sottocultura nata nella Germania della riunificazione, nella Berlino dei mille spazi aperti dallo smantellamento del muro, in una stagione storica ormai per certi versi mitica che ha visto coincidere la fine della guerra fredda con l'esplodere di quella love-wave della prima stagione tecno, di cui Berlino rimane ancora una capitale imprescindibileFondatrice della label BPitch Control, Ellen Alien oltre a scuotere dalla consolle folle entusiaste, anima per anni la scena coordinato attività organizzative, produttive, discografiche, radiofoniche.. Forte di un approccio collettivista e sperimentale di "scena", emerge come figura lungo il corso degli anni da quella galassia berlinese, imponendosi oltre i confini  nazionali, grazie anche a Berlinette il suo secondo album uscito nel 2003.


Ellen Alien, a hyper-active DJ, producer and label founder of BPitch Control, never stays still. Her creativity is channelled through her own creative system, her label BPitch Control, which works in a continuously experimental way both for Ellen Alien, herself, and the label artists that surround her.  Ellen Alien's development is largely defined by one circumstance - her engagement with the "music of the future," i.e. techno, and the historical aftermath of 1989. That year, this native Berliner witnessed the geographical change in Germany and the expansion of Berlin but most of all she experienced the unexpected. This started with the squatting of vacant buildings and has flowered into a totally new subculture. Since 1991, she has been performing in front of euphoric audiences as a DJ, while expanding her own musical horizons. She has also worked as a radio host, producer, event manager and, last but not least, label founder/manager to actively define and redefine the structures of the musical subsystem. 2001 saw the release of her debut album "Stadtkind", which was dedicated to Berlin.  She thus is beginning to increase her understanding of the meaning of her persona in Berlin through her exchanges with musicians around the globe. Ellen Allien utilizes her experiences directly to create a cosmos in Berlin where as many people as possible can collaborate. With that she helps define the city itself. Her understanding of her role as an independant producer is also the experimental foundation for Berlinette, which will now appear in 2003 as her second album and also takes up Berlin as a theme,  together with her experiences over the past years. As always, she is keen on new developments, which  will grace her next album with further mental experimentation.