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Carola Spadoni


Carola Spadoni, filmmaker e artista visiva romana basata a Berlino. Ha realizzato film, documentari, cortometraggi e video musicali presentati in festival e rassegne internazionali,. Dagli anni duemila la ricerca nel linguaggio cinematografico l’ha portata a realizzare installazioni film e video esposti in gallerie e musei.Nel 2003 è tra i vincitori del Premio Giovani Arte italiana istituito dal PARC (Ministero della Cultura), ed espone alla 50a Biennale di Venezia. Le sue opere sono in collezioni pubbliche e private tra cui il MAXXi di Roma. La sua pratica di filmmaker ed attivista culturale si concretizza anche in un'attività giornalistica - scrive per The Independent Film & Video, il Manifesto, Alias, Rolling Stone Italia -, curatoriale - organizza numerose rassegne di cinema indipendente e video arte - e nell'insegnamento - corsi universitari e workshop. Tra le mostre più recenti, il progetto site specific A sudden outpost at Glitch per la collettiva GLITCH. Interferenze tra arte e cinema in Italia al PAC Milano, Diamanti (Careof Milano 2014). e Italiens: Junge Kunst in der Botschaft a Berlino. Il suo archivio/collezione di riprese girate negli ultimi 25 anni in tutto il mondoalla base dei progetti piu`recenti


Carola Spadoni is born in Roma and lives in Berlin. Filmmaker and visual artist, she directed a feature films, documentaries, shorts and music videos that have been shown in festivals and screening series as well as broadcasted on tv. Since the early 2000s, the research within the cinematic language brought her work towards film and video installation, consequently showing in galleries and museums. In 2003 is among the winners of the Young Italian Art Prize given by the PARC (Office of the Ministry of Culture), for which participated in the 50th Venice Art Biennal. Her work is in private and public collections among which the MaXXi museum in Rome. Her filmmaking and cultural activist practice is also expressed through her journalistic activity for Il manifesto (IT), Alias (IT), Rolling Stone Italia and The Independent Film & Video (U.S.). As well as curating several screening series of independent film and contemporary art videos, lecturing in universities, participating in symposia and teaching workshops. Most recent exhibitions include the site specific project A sudden outpost at Glitch for the group exhibit GLITCH. Interferenze tra arte e cinema in Italia in 2014 at PAC Milan, Diamanti (Careof Milano 2014), Italiens: junge kunst in der Botschaft in 2010 in Berlin. Her own collection/archive of footage shot in the last 25 years around the world has been the main source of her recent projects.