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Marc Bauer


Marc Bauer vive e lavora tra Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Roma, Pechino. Lavora prevalentemente con il disegno, il video e l’installazione. Particolarmente interessante è la serie di vignette oscene stampate su carta da parati con la quale ha rivestito interamente le pareti di alcuni spazi espositivi. Queste scene ritraggono ménage familiari in cui le relazioni vengono alterate e le situazioni, tra arti amputati, fellatio e penetrazioni, sono paradossali e spiazzanti. Cries of Geese è stato prodotto per la mostra Project Room. A show without works / Una mostra senza opere, curata da Daniele Perra allo Spazio Lima, Milano, nel 2005.


Marc Bauer was Born in Geneva, Switzerland,lives and works in Amsterdam and Berlin. Bauer’s drawings, installations and videos suggest a mix of childhood memories and fantasies that repeatedly transgress taboos. His works unsettle a traditional understanding of morality, disrupting landmarks of social behavior. By using deliberately simple lines, Bauer lends his disturbing subject matter a mundane quality. This technique reminds viewers of the commonplace nature of violent acts, often committed in anonymous living rooms close by. With reference to his series on teenagers “Happier Healthier” (2004), Bauer has said: “How to behave in front of these images? Please, keep up appearances pretend that these drawings are funny, but don't be fooled, it might serious, it might have happened”.