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Jay Scheib


Jay Scheib (1969, Shenandoah Iowa, USA) si forma alla Columbia University School of the Arts a New York. Come regista teatrale ha messo in scena Bambiland di Elfriede Jelinek alla Norwegian Theater Academy, Norvegia; Draussen Tobt die Dunkelziffer di Kathrin Röggla al Mozarteum di Salzburg, Austria, The Power of Darkness di Tolstoj al Trafo di Budapest; Herakles tratto da Euripide, Müller, Händel con Chashama a New York; e This Place is a Desert da Antonioni, che ha debuttato nel 2006 al Institute for Contemporary Arts di Boston. Attualmente lavora ad una trilogia di opere science-fiction basate sui romanzi di Philip K Dick, Samuel Delaney e sulle serie tv di Fassbinder. Nell'autunno 2006 Scheib presenta tre nuovi lavori:Women Dreamt Horses di Daniel Veronese al BAiT Festival al PS 122 di New York; uno studio-showing al Prelude Festival al Martin Segal Theater Center di Manhattan, e End Good Everything Good con Margareth Kammerer per Living Room, Raum. Scheib è professore assistente di 'Music and Theater Arts' al Massachusetts Institute of Technology,è membro di facoltà al Mozarteum di Salisburgo ed è borsista del TCG/NEA Program for Directors.


Jay Scheib is an american theatre director. Internationally known for genre-defying works of daring physicality and the integration of new (and used) technologies in live performance, Scheib’s productions include the recent mutiplatform Platonov, or the Disinherited,  Luigi Nono’s No hay camino hay que caminar,  and Odyssee opening the season of the newly restructured Staatstheater Darmstadt in Germany. Scheib’s staging of Thomas Adès’ opera Powder her Face was the season opener for the final season of New York City Opera at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM).  Other recent works for the stage have included a contemporary ballet collaboration with choreographer Yin Mei and the Hong Kong Dance Company titled Seven Sages; a staging of Fassbinder’s controversial play Garbage, the City and Death with the Norwegian Theater Academy in Oslo, Norway;an original Fassbinder adaptation World of Wires which premiered at The Kitchen in New York City for which Scheib was awarded a 2012 OBIE Award for Best Direction, and Bellona, Destroyer of Cities. As a frequent director of operas and works for music theater Scheib staged A House in Bali, Fidelio, Addicted to Bad Ideas and toured internationally. Named Best New York Theater Director by Time Out New York in 2009, and one of the 25 theater artists shaping the next 25 years of American theater, by American Theater Magazine, Scheib is a recipient of the MIT Edgerton Award, The Richard Sherwood Award, a National Endowment for the Arts/TCG fellowship, an OBIE Award for Best Direction and the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship. He is a Professor for Music and Theater Arts at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he directs the Program in Theater Arts.