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Martijn Tellinga


Martijn Tellinga è compositore di musica elettroacustica e sound-artist. La sua peculiare ricerca sulle qualità testurali del suono mira alla riconsiderazione dell’universo sintetico delle musiche digitali secondo una prospettiva ‘naturalistica’. Tellinga esplora le possibilità di interazione tra il suono concreto dell’ambiente reale e la sua rivisitazione sintetica/computazionale. Nel suo live l’informazione sonora catturata dal mondo ‘reale-concreto’ si trasforma gradualmente in algoritmo per il controllo del suono sintetico prodotto dal computer, definendone le strutture compositive, le qualità strutturali e lo sviluppo dinamico/gesturale. Ha collaborato con diversi filmakers e video-artisti nella realizzazione di ambienti audio-visivi e installazioni multimediali. Condivide coi compositori olandesi Radboud Mens e Danny de Graan il progetto Elmgar Ten, centrato sulla progettazione di installazioni sonore intese come strumenti performativi.


Martijn Tellinga is a composer and performer of musical proposals and acoustical situations. His practice renders an ongoing meditation on the rudimentary condition of the sonic arts. Employing a variety of means and drawn from a reduced formalist-seeming vocabulary, his work centers on the intuitive bending of (music) systems and the use of sound to express ideas of space and process. It includes a wide variety of conceptual actions and chance operations, probing the emergent field between intended and accidental occurrences. Traversing the planes of music composition and the performance setting as such, his works thoroughly intertwine parameters of both aural and spatial perception including aspects of concert, installation and performance art. Engaged with the formative principles of music, the scores for his instrumental works are often open-ended proposing simple rule-based systems that provide performers with a template for listening, acting and interacting. Recently he has been creating performance installations that utilise serial processes of dismantling and re-integration of performative elements over extended periods of time, and documentary pieces using principles of acoustical measurement and intervention style negotiations of site. He received a Master’s degree in Sonology and stipends from the Mondriaan Fonds. He performs and exhibits his work worldwide, lectures and works in residence. He collaborated with a.o. Jonny Axelsson, James Beckett, Dante Boon, Dextro, James Fulkerson, Sagi Groner, Robin Hayward, Mike Majkowski, Modelo62, Jon Mueller, Koen Nutters, Konzert Minimal, Chrissie Parrott, Splinter Ocrhestra, Yan Jun. He interpreted and performed works by a.o. Brecht, Cage, Cardew, Lucier, McCall, Nono, Raaijmakers, Tudor, Xenakis. He is one of the curators for the concert series DNK-[amsterdam]. He lives and works in Amsterdam and Beijing.