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Roberto Bertacchini


Roberto Bertacchini è batterista, percussionista, cantante, attoreE’ membro fondatore di Starfuckers e Sinistri. La sua tecnica percussiva è frutto di uno studio sullo strumento che lo porta a sviluppare uno stile “non-metrico” unico e personale.


Roberto Bertacchini is an italian drummer, percussionist, singer, actor, sailmaker, founder member of Starfuckers (all releases), Sinistri (all releases) and Sinistri++. Active in live performance since 1987, he recorded his first LP in 1989 with the Starfuckers, his first USA release was in 1995, his first international tour in 2001. Collaborations include Damo Suzuki, Governox Ladrox, Xavier Hirondo. Occasionaly he performs as a singer. He also worked as actor with the Ma.Pa. Folli collective.