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Giuseppe Chico


Giuseppe Chico, performer e regista italiano nato a Bari, basato a Parigi e Zagabriasi forma al Teatro Kismet con Robert McNeer e Teresa Ludovico. Collabora come stage designer con Paolo Baroni. Dopo gli studi a Roma dove incontra il Living Theater, si trasferisce a Parigi nel 2000. Qui studia danza con Joao Fiadeiro, Vera Mantero, Julyen Hamilton, Mark Tompkins, Vera Orlock, Pooh Kaye, K.J. Holmes, Olivier Besson. E' stato danzatore con Mille Plateaux Associés e ha proseguito con Bernardo Montet e George Appaix. In teatro lavora con Joris Lacoste col quale conduce una ricerca sulla composizione drammaturgica. Nel 2007 fonda la propria compagnia 36 stratagems e inizia la collaborazione con Barbara Matjevic con cui realizza le performance 1989, Speech!, I am 1984, Tracks, Forecasting, I have never done this before.


Giuseppe Chico, performer and director born in Bari (Italy) and living between Paris, Brussels and Zagreb. He was introduced to theater as a child. After a period of professional basketball playing, he pursued his theatre practice with Robert McNeer at the Teatro Kismet in Bari. He also worked on several occasions with the set designer Paolo Baroni. In 2000 he moved to Paris and began studying dance and composition with Joao Fiadeiro, Vera Montero, Julyen Hamilton, Mark Tompkins, Vera Orlock, Pooh Kaye, KJ Holmes, Olivier Besson. For several years he performed with the company Mille Plateaux Associés. He also collaborated with George Appaix, Anja Hempel, Magali Desbazeille, Joris Lacoste. In 2007 he started the collaborative duo with Barbara Matjevic, producing the performances 1989, Speech!, I am 1984, Tracks, Forecasting, I have never done this before.