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Juan Domínguez


Juan Domínguez, coreografo e performer spagnolo, vive e lavora a Berlino. Dopo gli studi di danza classica e contemporanea e delle tecniche video in Spagna e negli Stati Uniti, dal 1987 è stato interprete di diversi coreografi europei. Ha collaborato, tra gli altri, con Blanca Calvo, Iñaki Azpillaga, La Ribot, Cuqui Jerez, Gilles Jobin, Jérôme Bel, Xavier Le Roy. Dal 1992 sviluppa una propria ricerca realizzando lavori in solo tra cui The Taste is mine, All good spies are my age, The application, seguiti dalle creazioni di gruppo Seven attempted escapes from silence, Shichimi Togarashi, All good artists my age are dead, Don’t even think about it ! e Blue. E’ stato artist-in-residence al Podewil A BerlinO nel 2004 e 2005. Dal 2003 dirige il festival In-Presentable a La Casa Encendida di Madrid. Nel 2008 ha preso parte alla piattaforma di ricerca coreografica 6M1L-six mois un lieu al Centre chorégraphique de Montpellier.


Juan Dominguez is a spanish maker and organizer within the fields of choreography and performing arts. He also teaches and coaches. His work is predicated on questions of theatre as medium and the parameters of dance: time and space. Exploring the relationship between different codes, his works advocate the complete dissolution between fiction and reality. Currently he is focusing on the cognitive transgression side of the work and on the tension between perceiving the social repercussions of the work and the independence of the instrumentalisation of it.