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ZERO (Weak Fist)

 Patrick Tuttofuoco


ZERO (Weak Fist) di Patrick Tuttofuco si sviluppa come un intervento transitante: una scultura luminosa mobile progettata per ricollocarsi in una serie di tappe a Rimini, Berlino e Bologna. I luoghi scelti per le tre città hanno un carattere di reperto archeologico, fossile, quasi fossero rimasti immutati nel tempo (formalmente o idealmente): l’arco romano di Rimini, la corte dell’Ambasciata Italiana a Berlino (condivisa con l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura) che è letteralmente l’estroflessione di uno spazio nazionale in territorio straniero aperto all'accoglienza, e a Bologna la Porta Zamboni/San Donato, punto di accesso al quartiere universitario, luogo di irradiazione della ripresa medioevale del diritto romano in tutta Europa: una parte di città attraversata da flussi multiculturali che disegnano ed evidenziano la dimensione internazionale di Bologna e la sua vocazione all’inclusione, che questo intervento di arte pubblica intende sottolineare. ZERO (Weak Fist) ricerca le origini, acquisisce nuovi significati e espande la portata del messaggio per la formazione di un patrimonio culturale comune.


ZERO (Weak Fist) by artist Patrick Tuttofuco is a transiting intervention: a mobile light sculpture designed to be relocate to a series of places in Rimini, Berlin and Bologna. The places chosen for exhibiting the piece in the three different cities are characterised by archaeological and fossil evidence, as if they had remained unchanged over time (formally or ideally): the Roman Augusto Arch in Rimini, the court of the Italian Embassy in Berlin (shared with the Italian Cultural Institute) which is literally the extroflexion of a national space in foreign territory open to hospitality, and the Porta Zamboni/San Donato, access point to the university district of Bologna which has been the place of irradiation of the medieval recovery of Roman law. The sculpture is an object that, while maintaining a melancholic or even disheartened form, highlights the presence, context and role of the architectural surroundings to which it is attached almost in a form of symbiosis. The falling fist may seem a surrender, but it could also be a non-violent negotiation attempt. In sign language, ZERO is expressed by showing the closed hand with the thumb in contact with the tips of the other fingers. Polysemically it connects the gesture of an unarmed doryphoros and the suspended release between tension and relaxation of a semi-open fist allusive of human doing and its vita activa. ZERO (Weak Fist) is an unstable artwork, visible in its medial nature during the night, which uses an allusive symbol that is at the same time joyful and looming, in connection with the different monuments of Rimini, Berlin and Bologna. It is a non-violent gesture nestling between strong architectural forms, signifying the persistence of critical thinking.


Rimini, Arco di Augusto

15 September > 14 October 2018


Berlin, Istituto Italiano di Cultura

28 September > 31 December 2018


Bologna, Porta San Donato

17 January > 1 July 2019