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 Rodrigo Sobarzo de Larraechea


A P N E A è un’immersione subacquea, la creazione di uno spazio di sospensione. La privazione della più ovvia tra le funzioni vitali, il respiro, e la pressione dell’acqua permettono di esperire l’esistenza di un ambiente privo di tempo. Con A P N E A Rodrigo Sobarzo abbozza una figura-ambiente che appartiene al duplice regno della rappresentazione e dell’immaginazione più estreme. Un’introspezione visiva e sonora che passa attraverso diverse trasformazioni ondulatorie della materia.

ideazione e performance Rodrigo Sobarzo de Larraechea
light design Jan Fedinger
produzione Veem House for Performance
co-produzione Workspacebrussels, Dance4 Nottingham
col sostegno di PACT Zollverein, Summer Studios/Workspacebrussels, The International Dance Program Malmö

A P N E A is focused on immersion: the creation of a space in suspension, as though underwater, physically and mentally suspended. In the absence of water, sound waves become the substitute of the liquid element. A P N E A is the temporary cessation of breathing. Aiming to 'immortalize' the body by means of air deprivation, specifically during water submersion, we dive into an atemporal territory, created by the vibrant quality of underwater motion. We arrive at that place of discomfort that is created by the lack of oxygen and water pressure, and, experiencing that state, a performative event unfolds that confronts us with what it is normally taken for granted: the vital and constant presence of air all around us.

concept and performance Rodrigo Sobarzo de Larraechea
light design Jan Fedinger
production Veem House for Performance
co-production Workspacebrussels, Dance4 Nottingham
with the support of PACT Zollverein, Workspacebrussels, The International Dance Program Malmö