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 Julian Weber


HighWay è una performance in cui i corpi si trasformano nella collisione con lo spazio. Nella sua indagine sui processi di costruzione della s-oggettività, Julian Weber, che è anche scultore, salda movimento, luogo e oggetti. Le forme mutano costantemente attraversando sforzo e riposo, iniziativa e abbandono, conquista volumetrica e appiattimento. Con HighWay Julian Weber realizza una scultura animata e inquieta, evocando le figure dello sforzo fisico e finendo per saturare.

ideazione, danza, oggetti Julian Weber
suono Martin Hiendl
col sostegno di CHB Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, apap

In HighWay a lost figure is exposed in an empty art gallery searching for grip. The work deals with the impact of outer forces on the body and the capability of this body to translate them into autonomous material. The ropes that connect the figure to the surrounding architecture provide both support and restriction. The body, becoming and colliding with the space, is shifting between states of power and surrender, effort and rest, volume and flatness. By referencing traditional artistic craftsmanship the practice of imitation is addressed, not only as an execution of tasks but also as a process of constructing subjectivity. In this transforming communal space, questions about art and live medium are raised. While architecture, interior and frames are pulled out of their comfort zone, body-parts and sounds occasionally multiply among the audience and emancipate into the shifting space.

concept, dance, objects Julian Weber
sound Martin Hiendl
supported by CHB Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, apap