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Splendor Solis

 Isabella Mongelli


Splendor Solis è un esercizio spirituale, un viaggio allegorico senza simbologia, in cui la parola guida ad una visione costante su di un orizzonte soleggiato con variazioni cromatiche. Il Barocco, come atto formale e 'sensazionale' (ossia che appartiene ai sensi), è il campo di azione di questo studio che, attingendo all’universo della piega di Gilles Deleuze e al Sun Theatre di Michael Taussig, si esprime sulla scena attraverso una successione di miniature non-sense. C’è un salotto barocco con un padrone di casa e degli ospiti da intrattenere con apparizioni, collezioni di aneddoti e divinazioni. C’è la ricerca del vero, l’orizzontale e il verticale che si incontrano nel punto piega, l’auspicio, alcuni coccodrilli, dei sogni, un certo global meltdown e altro ancora. In Splendor Solis tutto convive in uno spazio-tempo che sta continuamente sulla soglia tra il sogno e la veglia. Seguendo la propria vena metafisica e 'brontologica', Isabella Mongelli cerca di "fare qualcosa di difficile, cioè creare un’atmosfera di buon auspicio". “Si fa pace con il sogno come libertà di agire corrispondenze il cui senso ha bisogno di tempo per rivelarsi. E comunque non si rivela a tutti perché non è per tutti. "
Splendor Solis è un progetto installativo e performativo di cui a Raum verranno presentate le prime due parti: Delphi Situations e Baroque Salotto, cui seguirà in futuro l’ultima parte: Dodo Resurrection.

Splendor Solis
di Isabella Mongelli
con Isabella Mongelli & guests
guests Francesco Bruno, Antonello Greco, Sara Lorusso, Patrizia Mongelli, Jasmine Pisapia, Mimmo Spina, Massimiliano Tagliente
tecnica Antonello Greco
produzione Læra, Xing

Splendor Solis is a project that belongs to the realm of the visionary, not because it privileges fantasy (an escape from reality), but because of its precise and daring choice of color, magic and mannerism. Its excessive force is novel because it stages the impossibility of faithful reproduction, of recalling past nor future. It emphasizes the present as a pool of elements that should not be commented on, but that push beyond, elsewhere. Splendor Solis brings together things in a flow of non-sense miniatures. It is unprecedented and baroque. In this performance the Baroque is a formal, conceptual and spiritual fact. The objects of vision are: the sun, the Dodo's extinction in the seventeenth century, Russian sunsets and M. Rothko as he contemplates them before emigrating to America, colonial forces leading to extinctions, rising temperatures worldwide and human being, the search for truth, horizontal and vertical dimensions that meet in the fold, divination, premonition, the crocodile, dreams, and more … The way all this comes together is informal in character - it spreads in a space of becoming. Splendor Solis is inspired by the Baroque and sees it as an encouragement to seek truth in canopies, hermeticism and invented ephemeral sets that emerge out of mimesis and the transference of properties from one thing to another. The making of this work has been influenced by eminent thinkers. Deleuze on the Baroque, in particular the ideas of ​​infinity, of the line that continually folds, of informality as the ontology of becoming, of the Baroque as an operational process, functional (production and overproduction) and as an absolutely creative force. Mongelli also stumbled upon the cheerful spirit of anthropologist Michael Taussig, in particular his The Sun Theatre and The Cry of the Donkeys and his attention towards orphaned language, unusual correspondences, and the idea of overproduction as the primary tool of a new attitude. Following her own metaphysical vein, Isabella Mongelli tries to "do something difficult, that is, to create an atmosphere of good omen". "In practice you make peace with dreams as freedom to act correspondences whose sense needs time to reveal itself. And in any case a dream does not reveal itself to everyone because it is not for everyone.."
Splendor Solis is an installation and performance project of which the first two parts will be presented in Raum: Delphi Situations and Baroque Salotto. A third and last part will follow in 2018: Dodo Resurrection.